The second picture shows the results of beaver handiwork

Updating since 2002. Updated every eight days with something else added from time to time. Feel free to e-mail comments or you can click on the comment icon at the end of each post. And check the archives on the right side of the screen if you want to see previous posts.
--- Birthday time is home time. I took the day off. Still, not able to do much with some morning thunder and lightning and rain most of the day. I head out for an hour in the afternoon (gas, return beer bottles, groceries)… but that’s it.
--- Lots of people getting in touch with me today though… about a dozen or so e-mails and several phone calls. It’s nice… I sort of thought maybe I’d get three or four e-mails and two calls… although two and a half hours on the phone is too much tonight.
--- Slow day at work. Set ups aren’t too bad or anything but I just have a hard time not watching the clock as I do them.
--- A couple of bits of bad news today. A sad day for some family… and some disappointment for a friend. Together, it has me thinking of a couple of other people today.
--- On the positive side, it’s birthday cake day for several of us. A bunch of us all have birthdays within days of each other so rather than have five different cakes and cards among different teams, they shut down all of QC for a bit and give five of us cards and a big cake. So that’s nice.
--- Not a bad day. I spend most of it checking other people’s QC work.
--- Again, spend most of the day helping Janice by checking other people’s work.
--- Go to the officer’s mess for a couple of drinks after work (with Leslie, Sheila, Janice, and Leslie’s husband and some of his friends). Then we go for some supper.
--- Shortish day due to a staff luncheon. I drive with Carole, Melissa and Jaymie… and sit with them, Leslie, Laura, Janice and Krista. It’s decided that Laura has bad taste in Will Ferrell movies. She hates “Stranger than Fiction”… the fool.
--- Quiet night around the house after I got some groceries on the way home.
--- 58 years ago today,
--- I am so sick of the bloody pet food crisis! For more than a week, the CBC has made tainted pet food as a top story. Sweet mother do we live in a boring country!
--- Karl comes over and we watch four James Bond movies with pizza helping us through. Good time.
Mixed Bag
Two subjects to hit upon today…
Being ‘Picky’
I was recently talking to some people about being single. It was actually started by four of us working together (two guys and two girls) and the girls asking both of us guys why we’re single. The verdict by the ladies… we’re both too picky.
It got me thinking… being told you’re too picky is really a dulled down way to insult someone… without necessarily thinking you’re doing any insulting.
Too picky is code for a few things…
1… You just aren’t that much to look at. When you’re told that you are too picky, it means that they think if anyone of the opposite sex finds you even slightly appealing, grab on quickly and hold on tight. You’re basically being told that you have no ground to stand on when it comes to relationship choice. To say “no” is simply foolish.
2… You’re a drab individual. See item number 1 and substitute personality for looks.
3… It’s time for you to settle in love. I can understand certain levels of settling in life. I settled on a cheaper car when I moved to
You may settle in your job. I mean I don’t picture anyone growing up wanting to be a meat cutter… but people do it for years because it’s a paycheck and they find different avenues of life to get reward from.
But to settle in love? I don’t see it. To meet someone and think “well, they’re okay I guess”… and then to still plan to be with that person for the rest of your life because you just don’t want to be alone… well that doesn’t seem all that rewarding to me.
If there’s anything to hold out for… to wait to be wowed by… to feel like you’ve just won the lottery in… I’d think it’s love.
So to have someone tell me I’m too picky, it irritates me some. Whether they know it or not, they’re telling me that I should settle in regards to that which should be the most important avenue of your life. To just be happy with companionship. Well, I can get companionship from a kennel.
Second Class Citizenship
I just saw on the news, Saturday, that this was the 58 year anniversary of
Here's a trivia question that doesn't leave a Newfoundlander proud. What's the only country in the history of the world to willingly give up it's independence as a country?
Anytime I think of that, I think of Mel Gibson in Braveheart... giving the patriotic speech to the army before they run across the field of battle... telling them how "they can never take away... your freedom!" And then I think about
Sometimes I wish
But, as I say, it won’t happen. And my first choice would be that it doesn’t. I just want to see more fair treatment of the people across the nation. Those from
Fact is, this is a country of ten provinces and three territories… but it’s realistically run by three provinces.