The above images, one of the family and the second of dad, accompany the below poem.
— Drive across the island today in just over 8 hours. And I have the start of a cold.
— We stay in cabins at Rocky Harbour... nice cabins and a great sunset.
— I’m officially sick. Sore throat, aches, maybe a fever.
— We head to Labrador anyway. See several moose along the road on the way to the ferry... dolphins are on the Newfoundland side of the trip and Orcas (Killer Whales) on the Labrador side.
— We go to and climb up Atlantic Canada’s tallest lighthouse... and I have a caribou dish for supper tonight.
— Cold is improving today. We head to Red Bay for some sight seeing and a hike on a trail overlooking the Bay. Supper back in Forteau again (the community we have a bed and breakfast in). Picture viewing and cards in the evening.
— Feeling worse again today. On the ferry back to Newfoundland, we see what appeared to be a pod of dolphins... but then when the ferry passes by, it seems like some bigger ones... maybe more orcas... show up.
— Lance aux Meadows is disappointing for me. I like the area and the site itself is neat... but it’s like the staff doesn’t really care. Kids are running all over the place and a guy who’s supposed to be in character as a Norse settler is speaking in a heavy Newfoundland accent, wearing sunglasses, and telling the kids that “if I don’t wear these, and I hurt myself (while hammering on an instrument) I won’t get my compensation.” Not really high end Norse talk.
— I crash in St. Anthony while the others go out to eat. I hit the internet and rest in the hotel.
— Feeling better again. Not 100% but better. I drive all day and don’t get tired at all. We leave St. Anthony in the morning, stop at the Arches for lunch... then detour to the Tablelands for a look around. From there it’s on to Botwood for supper at Uncle Eric’s. We drive for more than 10 hours today.
— Leave Botwood for New World Island. We see Bert and Wince and Shirley and the families. At the Twillingate hotel I realize that both my battery recharger and good zip up fleece are gone. The recharger is located in Botwood and we make arrangements to have it picked up in a few weeks when mom and dad are back that way. I have no idea where the fleece is. We’ll be calling Rocky Harbour and hoping for a miracle when we get back to St. John’s.
— Hike around the Twillingate lighthouse with dad, Wince, Brenda and Christine. See whales playing off the coast... these are humpbacks but they’re too far away for a good picture.
— Cape fire at Bert’s is trouble as it’s warm and no wind out. The flies are insane and we run for the house defeated.
— Off to Tizzard’s Harbour in the morning for breakfast. Then to Gander in the early afternoon to visit Aunt Margaret in hospital... and on our way home from there.
— Stop at Clarenville for a late lunch. My burger platter becomes a hot turkey sandwich with hamburger meat replacing the turkey. It’s fine, but I was in the mood for a burger.
— Supper is home made burgers and soup from Sylvia and Wayne... then work on some pictures and watch TV in the night.
The Smell of Blackberries
A cloudless day
Emboldens the land.
Crisp colours under brilliant blue
Shimmering sea with soft sounds.
Insect fluttering is peaceful.
Cold sea rubs warm rocks
Like a gentle hand down a friend’s back.
A family explores this place.
Walking the seaside trail with quiet banter
While the youngest skips about... overstimulated by vividness.
In an age of hustle and bustle
Where the subtle is ignored and boldness is expected.
This big land gives time to pause
Dad points out the mossy tundra, and all stop to take it in.
A chain reaction.
Duff lays down and speaks of the land’s comfort.
All others follow suit,
Curious what kind of bed the vegetation makes.
A photo to capture the family moment.
Mom directs all to lay as one.
And because it’s so clear, and bright and warm,
We all do so willingly, like children being tucked into bed
After a long day playing.
One by one we raise.
Some grunt to prop up from the shrubs.
Some linger a little longer in the comfort
The sun’s warmth and surf’s lullaby,
Together they slow the pace.
As the last one to rise, dad lingers
His face close to the ground.
For a little farewell embrace.
As he climbs up, he speaks...
“I love the smell of blackberries”
We wander on, a family along the shores of Labrador.