Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #465

“He Ate The Whole Thing!”
Food becomes the enemy as we age.

In my high school days, food didn’t matter. Feel like a burger? Off to McDonald’s you’d go. Want a coke? Stroll up to the corner store.

It never matters. Even in to my mid twenties it doesn’t matter. Back then, we went to a softball tournament. And between two games, it was lunch time. At McDonald’s, our pitcher got a full pizza (back when McDonald’s made pizzas). He ate it all.

I still remember the shock of one of our outfielders. Four of us sitting together, he turning to look a the pitcher finishing up the last slice, and then turning back to us table mates with wide eyes… “he ate the whole thing!”

From McDonald’s we went to our next game. And the pizza fuelled pitcher was none the worse for wear.

Today, if I eat more than three slices of pizza, I’m in need of a bottle of tums and twelve hours of paying for my gastro greed.

There were nights, as a teenager, when I’d sit down to watch a movie or two on TV. I’d tear open a big bag of chips and pop a two litre of coke. By the end of the second movie, both the chip bag and the plastic bottle would sit empty.

Today I buy coke by the mini can… allowing myself one a day. And chips are for special occasions. A big hockey game… the season finale of a favourite TV show… or a rare poker night (once or twice a year). I have clips to snap on chip bags to keep the three quarters of a bag fresh for a later treat.

My friend and I would prepare massive plates of nachos in my high school days. An entire bag of cool range chips coated with a pound of shredded cheese. We’d save the biggest mounds of melted cheese for the end… being able to hold up a hand size portion of the yellowy-orange goodness before throwing it into your mouth with glee was a celebrated moment in our feasting. After the movie… and with the nachos done… we’d part. The visitor heading home… the host to the kitchen… both preparing themselves for what was to follow our nachos… supper.

Today that big bag of chips and pound of cheese are enough to supply three or four servings of nachos… with chip clips and zip lock bags needed to maintain the extra food. And even with only a third or quarter of the portion, I finish with the knowledge that I’ll likely need the tums before bed and my stomach would gurgle the evening away.

And the funniest thing about it all. Back then, I’d eat all this food with not only a lack of effect on the body immediately… but long term as well. I was skinny as a rake. Ranging from 140 to 165 pounds throughout all this feasting and gorging.

Yet now, when I am forced to eat less and watch my coke consumption, the weight gain slowly comes. Bit by bit. Even with me eating carrots and celery and substituting milk for my coke… I haven’t dropped below 200 pounds for a few years now.

I was more active back then. But most of my activity was the actual playing, or practicing, of sports. I burned off my calories on the ball field or during the parking lot street hockey games or even the occasional game of basketball.

Now the sports do me harm. Even slow pitch softball angered my shoulder or torqued my hip or swoll up a knee.

That leaves me with the boredom of the gym or a walk of the neighbourhood. Neither are as inspiring or invigorating as the competition of the games. And so the weight continues to climb even though the food is decreased.

Ah how I miss the days of long ago. When we’d venture off, care free, to McDonald’s between tournament games. What sporting food paradise it was… when my teammate “Ate the whole thing!”

--- Work is pretty slow going. Vancouver game on PVR afterwards. Good one for the Canucks… now one win away from the finals.

--- Work on a holiday means a quiet day there. Some TV in the evening but I stopped by the new house on the way home… checked out things… the foundation is now up and the birch trees are much more summery than when I saw the place the first time.

--- Physio, nap, work. Work is ok… a bit tiresome.

--- Sleep until about 11:30. Some TV after that.
--- MRI time. Sucked into a little tube for twenty minutes of slightly uncomfortable times. But it’s sort of a neat experience all the same.
--- Work is fairly ordinary after the MRI.

--- Jetlag day. Up earlier than I should be, considering bed time, and lazy the rest of the day. A few movies and a few naps.

--- Rainy day. It seems like a regular thing that when I’m off work, it’s raining.
--- Hit the bank to pay some on my line of credit. Get a few things at Farm Boy. And hang around the house.
--- Edena’s birthday. So I talk to my sis for a while on the phone this evening. Looking forward to seeing them soon.

--- Physio in the day… UFC in the evening. Phil, Sarah and I get together for it. Eat too much nachos… but oh well.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #464

Writing Outdoors
Trying to write outside today. With sunny skies and warm temperatures, the outdoors call.

But the distractions are so much out here. First little birds chasing each other from tree to tree. I’m sitting here with laptop atop lap and a little red bird sits in a branch, no more than twelve feet away, trying to coax his wife to be out to join him. A load of bird gibberish comes out as song and then the two fly off across the lot to another tree… only to return in front of me a few minutes later… starting the show again.

A wasp buzzes by. Sharing my attached Adirondack chairs with me for a bit. Me sitting in one and he crawling over the other. I’m reminded of the article I read about bees and wasps. How a bee will leave you alone if you leave it… but a wasp… well… wasps are mean spirited and will have a go at you if you look at it funny.

I remember my wasp encounters. One as a kid in Victoria, feeling a pinch upon my wrist and looking down at this great insect that seemed to entirely engulf me as a giant watch, hiding my flesh with winged black and yellow. The pain and fear coming together to bring me terror.

Then another wasp which came at me on a hiking trail. And me with hands full, carrying a great found chunk of quartz… a chunk which sits, today, in my kitchen nook. But on that day, my sacrifice for claiming the quartz was to be unable to fend off the wasp attack. And my leg took on a stinging welt as a result. Less terror involved in this encounter… but annoyance.

And so I’m apprehensive of the wasp sharing my seat… and consider moving indoors… when he decides he’s had enough, and lifts off… buzzing away.

Fire trucks zip along Tenth Line Road… causing me to lift my head once again. And during my looking out there, over the grassy plain, a spot a great bird, ambling along within the grass.

From here, I can’t tell if it’s a heron spending some time away from the lake… or a wild turkey, too stupid to know what it’s doing in such a place. But either way it’s there… too far for a definitive identification.. .ambling in and out of view as it passes grass and mound.

The little red bird and it’s mate return… in and out again. And a bumble bee drifts over to the tree with them… looking happy to be in the sun and making me wish it was he, and not the wasp, who visited before.

With that, the wasp returns. It looks like he’s biting off bits of wood for a nest or sucking out some nourishment before flying back to his wasp brood.

Another bird comes to the little red bird tree. A bigger starling, or some such bird. Fresh from his time around the lake, as he flaps wet feathers dry and beaks some stragglers back into place. The red bird is annoyed and heads off… but quickly returns to sing his gibberish song, once the bigger guy is dry and moving along.

A robin combs the ground, poking for worms, and I’m drawn again to the area of that far off giant, hoping for a better look in order to ID the mystery.

To my left, the neighbours prepare lunch. Voices of mother and child coming out from their kitchen nook with music drifting from their kitchen radio. “In the Air Tonight” brings back teenage summers as it drifts into the summer air.

The red bird returns to his branch, chirping to get my attention. And I see it there, chirping with a beak full of twigs… before he and his lady fly off to the other side of the parking lot, I assume to do some work on a nest. He quickly returns empty beaked… and his chirping is much clearer without the muffle of twigs.

A beetle drops atop my computer… playing dead upon my scroll pad… hoping I don’t notice. And a couple wander by in the lot beneath me… bringing their dog to the same pond the bathing bird came back from some ten minutes ago.

And that’s why it’s hard to right your blog outside, on a warm summery day, during the May 24 weekend.

--- Quiet, rainy day at work. Unable to bring myself to doing a movie with Phil and Sarah tonight. It would be late and I’m on 5 hours sleep with day shift #2 coming tomorrow. By 8:30 tonight I’m already getting sleepy.

--- Another quiet one at work. Vancouver game tonight. Good one as they score two in the third to win 3-2.

--- Pretty typical night shifts. Physio before the shift on Monday… and gray and rain both days.

--- Up around 10:30… so afternoon nap will be likely. Again… gray, cool and rain. So not much to be done other than that nap.
--- Nap is had… followed by meeting up with Sarah to get some Wendy’s for supper… and the hockey game. Canucks win big San Jose play like idiots… and we get boobs on the TV (a girl flashing Ben Eager in the penalty box).

--- Physio and then a meeting at the bank. I walk to the bank… nice to go for a stroll. Groceries and some evening TV round out the day.

--- Lunch with Karl. It’s nice and warm today… about 25 degrees… so we eat on a patio and get some Dairy Queen on the way back.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #463

Time Off
Two days off for everyone
Oh joy the weekend’s here
But five days on is way to much
The thought, to me, brings fear.

Three days off on special times
From town we rush away
But four days on is torturous
As we wish, in those three days, we’d stay.

Four days off is civilized
It pushes work from head
But four days on with twelve hour shift
Leaves one sleepily in bed.

Five days off is excellent
It means we only worked three
Bear in mind the eight-day cycle
For nine to fivers, this ain’t for thee.

Six days off every second month
Bring smiles, in fact I beam
It means two days I’m held up there
Then off four more to dream.

--- Work. Go in on about four hours sleep. A quiet shift… lunch with Shannon and dealing with that restless leg thing in the afternoon… tiredness induced I’m sure.
--- Some TV after work.

--- Very quiet day at work. Some TV afterwards with a no hitter thrown against the Blue Jays and then Vancouver losing tonight. Still up but they don’t finish a series easy these guys.

--- Very quiet night at work. Boring quiet at that.

--- Off work tonight. Nice weather outside and physio… walk of the pond… Vancouver hockey game tonight. Finally get out of that series with Nashville.

--- Groceries… laundry… and hockey on TV. Detroit looks good and wondering if San Jose will complete the collapse that Vancouver almost had against Chicago. We’ll know on Thursday.

--- Physio and some morning work about the computer. Got the GPS all updated and ready for BC. Figured I had to try downloaded an updated map for it… didn’t want a 2009 map on the GPS in Vancouver. It all goes fine and dandy (last time I updated my GPS, I had to replace it at Futureshops… the update deleted the base map and left me with just the updates).

--- Quiet day. Was supposed to go to the bank but they call a half hour before my appointment. Computer system down… need to reschedule. Watch hockey. Canada lose to Russia in the World’s… they’re out… and I generally don’t care. The World Championships are a big deal to Europe but they play with stupid rules (blow the whistle if the puck hits the goalie in the mask) and have bad officiating. It’s subpar hockey. Red Wings lose to San Jose. Good series and this hurts me somewhat in the playoff pool. Vancouver has to beat San Jose or I’ll be in trouble in the pool, to go with depressed over the outcome.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #462

My last Avalon summer. And by Avalon, I mean the suburb in which I live, not the peninsula on which I grew up.

One more summer and fall in my ‘Perfectly Planned Community’. That sign, proclaiming such a cult like statement greets you as you turn in off 10th Line.

One more summer where I’m walking distance from the pond I’ve watched grow up… from grass surrounded still water to trees and shrubs which encase a natural habitat… filled with frogs and ducks, muskrat and cranes… and, for a short period, a beaver… taking over the pond and laying waste to the Minto planted trees… so much for the perfectly planned community.

One more fall where the geese nestle in, taking over the pond’s waters on their way south… taking a break in the autumn sun… and quietly grouping in social circles upon the lapping waters… preparing to rest as the night begins to close.

I’ll have to come back to visit the pond. Parking the car on the street as an invader but quickly blending in with the locals once I reach the winding path.

Come December, I’ll be on the move. From Avalon to Trail’s Edge. From Terrace home to Townhouse. I’ll miss the Terrace home. Probably not as I have the row house in St. John’s. But good memories of comfort are here. A haven to tuck away from the outside world on a Friday evening… not to return to that world until Monday morning.

And I’ll miss having everything done for me. The Condo Corporation sending in grass cutters and window cleaners. Putting men on my roof if the tiles blow off. Planting and tending to flower beds out front. And clearing my parking lot of snow during the winter.

I’ll need a ladder. And a shovel. A lawn mower and a rake. I may need to start paying attention to those stupid cards left in my mailbox, offering weed and lawn care services. And I may need to co-ordinate with neighbours, asking them to look out to my lawn while I’m away… promising to do the same for theirs when they depart.

And things to look forward to await. I’ll no longer be tied to the condo rules. A real gas barbecue awaits next summer. Where I can lounge in my yard while the meat sizzles. That yard which I’ll likely have to fence as well… I forgot that one. Another coordinated effort with neighbours I do not yet know.

A new lake awaits. Surrounded by birch. I don’t yet know if it will be pathed for walkers. But even if not, a trek through the brush will be nice… all across the street. All viewed from my spare bedroom window… or where the study will be. Already I imagine standing at my window, looking across at the woods. Seeing a corner of the lake. Sometimes I see it in brilliant summer sun. Other times I see it on a rainy fall afternoon. And other times I see it as a wall of black… with blacker silhouettes of the trees… and a cold November night. Or with gentle snow creating such stillness over the land… all outside my doorstep.

I see deer occasionally stopping by… on the edge of the wood… looking over at my home as I look across at theirs.
Within the home a new space awaits. Stairs up to bed… but also down to recreation. A fireplace with real flames… a cool place to tuck away where it’s quiet as only basements can be. A choice for cleaning. Either a shower stall or a soaker tub. Baths will once again be available as luxury rather than times chinched into watered tubes. Leaving you barely able to sit, let alone lay down.

And a garage… a room for the car. Where I can park and leisurely bring in the groceries, even if the rain pours outside. A place for my bike… where it no longer needs to stand in my kitchen space… but can now be where it aught to be. Next to the car and outdoor tools.

Yes, one more summer and fall of what I’m used to. Then off to the new. The countdown is on… for the fourth place… I’ll call home.

--- Work is normal but after that is hard… to the bank to discuss finances and mortgages. It all goes well but I’m basically an idiot in this department and I’m exhausted in the thinking it through.
--- Windy and rainy today too. Gusted up to 95 km winds… strongest since I moved to Ottawa.

--- Tired today. Long and slow one at work and then I’m struggling to stay awake tonight. Finally cave in for bed at 1:45 AM. Hope that’s enough for the night shift tomorrow.

--- Physio, nap, work. Too nice for it too as it’s 18 and sun without a breeze.

--- Another wasted day as I nap and work when it’s 20 and sunny outside.

--- First day off… rain. Typical. Vote, get some cheques from the bank, and nap in the afternoon.
--- Conservative majority in the election is depressing. But nice to see the Bloc beaten down.

--- A bit lazy in the morning… raining… again. Physio in the afternoon… home for about ten minutes after that before going to Minto with my agent to finalize things with the townhouse. That takes a little more than an hour… home to call the folks… then to get groceries and a shwarma.
--- Hockey game tonight. Vancouver is very frustrating. Outshoot Nashville and end up winning in overtime… but almost going through the motions… passing blindly to where players assume others will be. Nashville seemed to want it more… they’re just not as talented… and on this day, Vancouver’s talent was barely enough.

--- Easy going day for the most part. Deal with getting a lawyer for the house stuff and some hockey and baseball on TV.