Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Making It Up As I Go Along #534

45 Minute Snowshoe
Schlumping along on snowshoes
Schlumping along to see
Schlumping to see what animals
May be looking back at me.

Schlump the noise each step brings
As metal scuffs over snow
Schlump echoing through the trees
Warning the animals to all go.

I schlump through a snowdrifted ditch
I follow other’s tracks
And waft of skunk drifts along
Were those skiers forced to turn back?

Schlumping brings me to the prints
A fox has come on by
He climbed upon this mound of earth
His silhouette upon the sky.

I make a turn and schlump along
A rabbit’s path I follow
Until the path runs in woods too deep
I leave him to his hollow

It’s been some time since I’ve seen
I’ve wondered where red squirrel could be
But my schlumping brings along a clue
His tiny prints in front of me

I reach the trail within the woods
Where everybody’s been
I veer off into unknown snow
Exploring sights never seen

I pick my way along the trunks
I schlump over rolling mounds
The only prints in front of me
Left where tree snow has come down

A pause from schlumping brings the still
I hear the chickadee song
It pauses from its twittering
Wishing me to move along

I schlump along with bigfoot steps
Over fallen maple I long stride
I pick my path most clear of twigs
And schlump as chipmunks hide

I break out to the open path
My footprints no longer alone
And looking from this familiar place
I carry my snowshoes home

--- Snowy first day of work.  The drive in is a bit rough and the driveway awaits me to shovel when I get home.

--- Work is fairly busy to start followed by dead for a few hours followed by busy again.  An odd Sunday.  And the weather… 4 degrees and rain to start.  Feeling like it’s in the -20s by the end.
--- Ball game after work is good.  We tie… which always feels wrong in ball… but it’s against a really good team.  Seems our new lineup is a solid one.
--- Late night TV push me through to the morning as I aim for night shift time schedule.

--- Cold outside.  I stay in.  It’s sleep until around 11:30.  A few hours of TV and a snack.  Nap for an hour or so after that and get ready for night shift.

--- Still cold.  Second night shift comes with Wendy’s and a pretty quiet night.

--- Too cold to go out.  So first day off has me around the house… some TV and some naps.

--- Still cold but I’m going out.  Fifteen minute walk is it and, if the woods wasn’t a wind block, it would have been shorter than that.  -32 with the wind.  This means the yearly range of temp for my walks has now been about 75 degrees. 

--- Snowshoeing day.  Out for about 45 minutes doing that.  A fun time.
--- Movies fill out the day and by night, my wrist feels pretty normal again.  Though, by Saturday morning, it’s tender again.  Who knew bed would be so detrimental to ones health?

Friday, January 18, 2013

Making It Up As I Go Along #533

The Fine Walk Home

This past Christmas was a good time back in St. John’s.  Weeks in the home town, spending most of it with the family as well as a few lunches and suppers with friends.

One highlight of the time was the evening I went for drinks with Sam.  Mom and dad drop me at his in-laws place overlooking Quidi Vidi Lake and from here, because it was a mild and still night, we walk to the Duke of Duckworth for some drinks to sip on as we catch up.

1:00 AM comes fast.  The hours feel like twenty minutes in the passing.  But at 1:00, it’s time to move on.

With the weather still so nice, we once again walk the streets.  Strolling along the old city downtown… cutting through the majestic neighbourhoods of old homes… and reaching the top of the lane where we part ways.  Sam, heading back to the in-laws and I deciding which route to take from here.

If I go left, it will bring me to the busy streets where I can walk up Torbay Road alongside taxi cabs, most of which will be carrying downtown patrons back to the suburbs but maybe one of which could be flagged down for a lift the rest of the way.

I decide on going right.  This takes me along the scenic, longer and quiet route.  I make my way down the hill towards the lake.

Circling a quarter of Quidi Vidi brings memories.  I pass many snoozing ducks, huddled along the shoreline.  Some of them perk up and keep an eye on my intrusion.  Most remain undisturbed, bills tucked under wings… or sputtering quietly amongst themselves.

At the head of the lake is the bridge my father and I crossed many times on winter walks to hockey games at Memorial Stadium.  Looking across the street to the parking lot there, I see the building that once housed the St. John’s Maple Leafs.  Now a grocery store, it still feels wrong to have such a business taking over the building.

Further along, the gates to the soccer field loom in the darkness.  King George the V pitch is the site of soccer history.  I was at the game in September of 1985.  One of 13,000 fans who saw the Canadian National Team beat Honduras 2-1.  And with the victory, Canada gained access to their first, and only, World Cup of soccer. 

That day was sporting excitement with a magnificent energy through the stands.  But this night, as I walk along, all is quiet.  The slumbering ducks to my right are louder than the empty stadium to my left.

I’m tempted to continue along the lakeside but, being past 1:30 in the morning, the darkness on the far side, where the bandstand appears as an even darker mound within the darkness of the slope… I decide to stay to the sidewalk and the lit street.  I don’t want to venture along a darkened bandstand where it’s possible a group of drinkers may be holding court.

I walk along the streets of Pleasantville.  All is quiet.  I pass along the building I went to in order to sign up for my Social Insurance Number.  Today all is quiet.  I pass along new construction.  Condos and town houses I never knew were here… most still in the process of being built… a few with cars sitting in driveways.

And along the way, I come to a realization.  Having been drinking for the last several hours… and with a good 45 minutes to go before home… I realize the bathroom is too far away.

With that, here at 2:00 AM, I see the billboard back off the road, telling passers by of this new subdivision.  Let it be said, when peeing within the heart of a city, billboards make for good bathroom stalls.

Continuing on my way, I come to one of the many city trails.  I used to work with the Grand Concourse Authority and, although I didn’t actually build any of these trails, I often walked them and viewed their maps for work.  I veer of the road and onto the trail home.

Here, I feel as though this must be what walks home must have been like for my father back in the dark winter nights of Joe Batt’s Arm.  Moonlight guides me through the winding woods trail.  All is quiet and peaceful.

But as I go, my thoughts turn back to those I had when eyeing the Quidi Vidi bandstand.  I probably won’t come across anyone on this trail tonight.  But if I do, it likely won’t be a nice meeting here in the middle of the night.  At best, would be an uncomfortable “hello” as we pass and wonder what the other is doing there.  At worst, a group of six or seven, made brave by booze, would decide I’ll be paying for their night out.

With these thoughts, I decide the street is where I should be.  And I pull off the main trail at a fork that leads me up to another building under construction.  This mammoth building where seniors will soon be living.  The size of the building hinting at the aging of the city’s population.

The problem with it being a construction site still… access to the road is cut off.  Great fences have me pinned in and I have to turn back and head back for the woods once again. 

Only a hundred feet further down the trail, another fork and this one brings me out into the world of houses again. 

Back on the street, the silence of the night is broken by bizarreness.  I begin to hear Christmas music.

The music is as that found in the halls of a mall.  It sounds like the type of music that would come from an ice cream truck.  The kind of music you’d expect to see coming from an organ grinder as a monkey dances nearby. 

As I continue on, I see the source.  Across the street is a well decorated home, all bright with Christmas cheer in the dark of the night.  And outdoor speakers pump out Christmas cheer in maniacal fashion.  I pity the neighbours… and continue on.

Crossing Logy Bay Road feels like wandering the streets of a deserted town.  This four-lane road, normally busy, is empty.  I pause in the middle of the crosswalk, looking along the distance of the road… and feel small.

Once across Logy Bay Road, I feel as though I’m home already.  Along Newfoundland Drive, I see the continuation of dark woods trails I had previously been on.  Here I remember the past summer, walking these trails with family… a caravan of Browns making their way along to end a pleasant summer evening.

I continue along the road though, feeling the light of the street remains the smarter way to go.  And soon I reach St. Paul’s school.  The parking lot of this school was once a great sporting arena in my youth.  I think of the one and only money street hockey tournament I ever played in.  Some six or eight teams came together from the east end of town, each team paying a fee to play, and two games went on at a time… one in the front lot, another in the back. 

Our team pushed through to the end.  We won the final by a 5-2 score with me in net for it all, coming out bruised from a mighty slap shot that caught me in the side of my thigh, and leaving me with the mark of the hard orange ball of serious street hockey players (no jelly balls or tennis balls that day).

The glory of the win was soon a memory as I made it to my girlfriend’s house for supper a good hour late.  They were already finished with their meal… I was served leftovers and my girlfriend glowered at me for the silliness of my being a boy.

After St. Paul’s passes by, I turn on to Carrick Drive and can now see home.  At the turn of Carrick, the ball field sits dark and, beyond that, the darkness of my parent’s house.  From the sunroom there, I would now be visible as a shadowy figure in the night.

Cutting along the ball field, I look out at my memories there.  I see where I used to stand at first base.  I see the backstop where I through bats in disgust after striking out.  I see the centerfield fence I cleared with the first home run I ever hit, only minutes before my father reached the stands to watch.  And I see left field, where I stood as a rookie men’s league player, chatting with heckling players from other teams who sat on the mound behind the left field fence, sipping on bottles of Blue between jibs directed, good naturedly, towards me.

From there is the rec centre.  Where softball practices took place on cold March Saturdays and swim lessons turned my skin blue with cold. 

And the rec centre parking lot, which now I cross, was a site of hundreds of street hockey games.  Some organized over easter… most coming together more haphazardly among me and my neighbourhood friends.  We all knew full well that after school winter activities meant street hockey.

I round the corner onto Gleneyre Street and make my way the remaining three houses along to home.  Arriving an hour and a half after our departure from the downtown pub.  Having seen not a soul in the last hour of the trip.  And remembering what it is I love about walking through the city so late at night.

I walk through the darkness of the house to my basement room and turn in with thoughts of the organ grinder Christmas carols echoing down deserted streets.

--- Day shift.  Fairly regular one.  Head to Walmart afterwards to pick up an iTunes card.  $50 cards going for $40 is good. 

--- Days again.  Warm out there.  After work it’s movie night at home.  Watch three movies before bed.  28 Days Later, on the Movie Network… I watch for a second time in a week.  Love that movie.  One of the best end of the world movies in my books.

--- Pre work softball.  We win 6-3 with me on the mound.  Several new people on the team for the winter.  They’re looking good.
--- Wendy’s on the way to work.  And the work is pretty slow going tonight.

--- Last night of work.  Fairly non-eventful though I’m ready for another vacation.  Too soon to be thinking that way again.

--- Quiet house day.  Do a walk and watch some TV.

--- Break in the snowshoes.  Out for an hour.  Good workout and fun wandering over snowscapes. 
--- Star Wars tonight.  Read about watching the episodes in what they call Machete Order.  I’ll give it a try and see how the story holds up.  Machete Order means watching in the following order… Episodes 4, 5, 2, 3, 6.  Yes, Machete Order leaves out Episode 1 altogether.  Poor Jar Jar really is a hated fellow.

--- Cold.  Too cold.  -25 or so with the wind so I stay in all day… watch some movies and be here for the Minto guys to come and touch up a few things for the one year inspection.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Making It Up As I Go Along #532

A week Ago
A week ago it was -27.

Winter jackets crinkled with cold.
Bending an arm gave the kind of sound made when tying a garbage bag.

The car became soft and lazy within the garage
A week ago it departed the indoors chipper and alive
Only to become sluggish along the way
The clutch becoming honey sticky
As I go from third to fourth

A week ago I just got back from home
Where green grass dominated the landscape.
Winds whipped rain against glass panes
But lakes rippled freely
Rivers bubbled over rocks
And the ground remained soft and alive

Today is a blizzard there.
Rainy winds have been replaced by white ones
Creating dunned landscapes in backyards
Only missing the camels for traversing
White expanses make a week ago feel like a dream of far away lands.

And here it’s 4 degrees.
Icicles drip from the eaves
Packed snow driveways give way under foot
Leaving near slush imprints as you pass
As hard snow mounds slump
Sagging at the sides
Droopy and sluggish

Just like last week’s car

--- First day back to work.  Been a busy few weeks with no pause here.  Kind of busy today… and freezing.  The car said it was -27 on the drive in.  And it wasn’t too pleased in the saying.
--- Groceries after work and finish up on an overdue blog entry.

--- Day two.  Ready for vacation again.  Oh boy. 
--- The moving out of departments is becoming apparent.  Lunch at the caff is now a Friday nightmare.  All that was available today was a burger, fish n chips, or club sandwich type of sandwiches served at the grill.  No wraps or cooked meals on Fridays anymore.

--- Nice out but I don’t take advantage.  By the time I’m up and able to go walking, it’s 12:30.  And I’m not really anxious to do a vigorous walk before going for the pre-night shift nap.
--- The new neighbours appear to enjoy running through the house.  I assume, and hope, that is the young girl and not the parents.  But there are lots of stomps going on over there now.

--- Night shift.  Pretty quiet night.

--- Fairly quiet day off.  Movies and a walk.

--- Minto inspection takes ten minutes.  The house has been pretty good for the last year.  Some shopping afterwards.  Apple Saddlery for new Blundstone boots.  Gas.  A tripod for the camera.  Groceries.

--- Back for another tripod.  Two different ones at the Source were both on sale… one bigger and the other a little one.  Too good cost wise to pass up.
--- Another walk today.  Shorter walks in the snow make for as big a workout as long walks without snow.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Making It Up As I Go Along #531

Long delay in posting.  The trip home for Christmas left me either too busy to write… or too tired by the time things settled.  Even now, I got back in Ottawa supper time yesterday… worked today… and got groceries afterwards. 

So a short one today and back on schedule.  It is new, and improved (with added words for Christmas) Magnetic Poetry!

Whisper wonders of warmth
Beneath tendriled sunshine

Happiness staggers darkly
And cracks barefoot through ecstatic tickle dreams

Slicing red liquid from skin
As morning peace secretly pronounces immense thoughts of comfort

--- Snowy day for flying out. Melissa is a saint, driving across town to get me and bring me to the airport.
--- Flight is slow leaving. We board on time but then need to de-ice. Fifteen minutes later we move out but stop at the runway. After another ten minutes they say we need to go back to the gate to pick up two passengers... Which seems ridiculous to make us all late cause two were slow getting to the airport. So it's back to the gate, power down, ramp comes back and the door opens... A bit of talking and then they close up and we're on our way again... Having picked up nobody. Is Porter turning into Air Canada?
--- Flight note... Super Furry Animals are really underrated in the grand scheme of music. Make for so good in flight listening.
--- Home for supper and some hanging out around the house.  Mom and dad both fighting the cold.

--- With dad sick, mom and I go downtown for some shopping.  Lots done.  Gifts for others and my gift from the parents.
--- After supper, Wince pops by and visits.  A good first day back home.

--- Some shopping with mom and dad and lunch at bidgoods.  Missed the storm in Ottawa… maybe it will come here in a few days.

--- Stay pretty close to home. 

--- Out to Jim and Kristann’s in the evening.  Nice visit there.

--- Pouring rain most of the day… and that wind.  Lunch with Craig is good and hang around the house after that.

--- Lunch and Wince’s.  Fish n Brewis with the Uncle, Aunt and cousins.
--- Some wrapping and finishing up with gifts in the evening.  A nice Christmas Eve.

--- Christmas Day.  Big supper at the house and a fine morning of gift opening and giving. 

--- I don’t know where mom and dad get the energy.  Boxing day with a crowd.  Something between 20 and 30 people coming and going and eating and drinking.  By 8:30, I’m ready for bed.  But a nice time.

--- Day of walks.  First out with Wayne on the East Coast Trail by Quidi Vidi Gut…. Up the hill to the coast… down by DFO building… and back to the car.  About an hour and a half of it… really good though.
--- Hang with Wayne a bit after with a cup of soup and his cat.  Then, in the night, Get dropped at Sam’s in-law’s place, we walk to the Duke of Duckworth.  Sit, drink, and talk until almost 1:00 AM.  Walk back to his place.  Then, being suck a nice night, I keep on walking home.  About an hour and a half from the bar to the house. With some crazy house along the way… at 2:00 AM… with all the lights on and electronic Christmas music being played on outside speakers!?!? Glad not to be that guy’s neighbour.

--- Lazy day in bad weather.  Watch junior hockey on TV and do laundry.

--- Lunch with Craig… And Feast of Cohen music at Arts and Culture Centre at night… with Stogger Pizza for supper… the guy who used to own Venice… good pizza.

--- Lunch at Wayne and Sylvia’s.  Lots of sea food.  Movie with Del after that.  The Hobbit is solid… a good time out.

--- Movie afternoon with mom and dad.  Les Miserables is quite good.  I thought a half hour cut out of it would have been nice but still, 8 of 10 in my books.
--- Riggs’ over for supper and cards and New Years.

--- Del comes by among a few other drop bys.  Then to Wince’s for supper and cards.  Lots of good food these last few days.