General Observations
--- My back yard has become a place of odd amphibian encounters. Earlier in the week, a toad came to greet me each time I went outside. Three times, that day, I’d walk out and onto the patio only to find the small toad bounding off the grass and next to me on the stones. He was like a dog coming for a sniff of my hand in hopes of a little play.
And just today, a tree frog. As I’m putting my BBQ cover back on, I feel a brush against my foot. Ignoring it as just a grasshopper ricocheting off me or perhaps a bumbling fly, I finish with what I’m doing. My next step brings my foot against something soft upon my deck. With just that touch, I lift up to see a tree frog. He gave a small hop to give my foot some minimal leeway but seemed altogether unconcerned at the near squishing. Slowly he moved over to the edge of my deck, posed for a few pictures. And sits there still, an hour after our encounter, Comfortably tucked in between a few deck posts.
--- I would gladly set up a TD bank account if it would mean they’d remove that blasted commercial of the 50 something year old parents laid out in massage bliss as they take a call from their son. They have got to be the most unappealing people on TV… taking the crown that was long held by the Trivago Guy.
--- Two twenty-four hour sports networks with five channels each is a complete waste of time. Between them, we have ten channels of sports and, at any given time, those ten channels may show four different programs. Sportsnet will give us four channels of the Blue Jays game with a channel of soccer and TSN will give four channels of a football game with one channel of some other soccer league. Five channels are only worth our time is they broadcast five different things. Otherwise they’re just wasting space on the crowded cable landscape… and this is coming from an actual sports fan.
--- I went through the entire Pan Am games, watching no more than ten minutes of coverage… total. One of the few things I would have considered watching (the mens baseball final) wasn’t even on TV but only streamed on the internet. The Pan Am games is minor league Olympics.
--- Orange and black construction pile ons are to the outside world what wet floor signs are to the inside one. They have become permanent fixtures of a place rather than temporary warnings during times of work. I really wish that, when work is done and reductions or caution is no longer needed, they’d go around and pick up their mess.
--- The soccer player ‘injury’ is a World Wrestling moment within a beautiful game… fake and cheesy… leaving you slightly embarrassed to even be watching such over the top theatrics. It has been made even more ridiculous by the world of HD video. We get to see in slow motion, crystal clear detail, that no action occurred to warrant such ‘agony’.
--- I am always shocked by the fact that so many Star Wars geeks hate episode I yet give episode II a passing grade. Although by no means a classic, Episode I had many fun scenes… while Episode II had the worst love story I’ve seen in movie history. There is absolutely no good reason why Nathalie Portman’s character would want anything to do with whiny young Darth Vader and each of the two or three times I’ve watched that movie, I keep expecting some of those ‘romantic’ scenes to belong to a blooper reel. I expect to hear “Cut! Let’s run that one again!”… yet somehow, the movie continues on without any redo’s at all.
--- The recent pictures of Pluto is one of the best things of my year. When a kid, I had a poster of the galaxy that had Pluto included but with a note stating the image to be an artist conception. Later I saw pixeled white blobs of Pluto. Now it’s a real place in graphic detail… and it fascinates me.
--- All put together this time cause not much worth writing about happened on any give day.
--- Skipped both ball games again. Calf feeling pretty good but being safe. In fact I work it pretty hard on Saturday… do a 45 minute walk and include some jogging in that while also doing strengthening exercises on it three times through the day. But then I wake Sunday with a fairly stiff and sore feel back there. Not too worried. The soreness is on the other side of the calf from where the injury happened. So I think it was overdoing the exercises some causing little used muscles to wake up a little sore in the morning.
--- Friday I feel somewhat under the weather. Wake with my throat a bit phlegmy and am at work with some hot and cold flashes and that feel that comes with sickness where it’s like you didn’t sleep at all. By 9:30, I call it a day and head home to the sofa. My energy is low Saturday morning but once I get out for my walk in the afternoon, it isn’t too bad.