Been quite a while since I last posted. Lots of stuff making it less of a priority lately.
First I was at a Sunday baseball game here. Fully intending to write when I got home from the afternoon game but exhausted after having spent more than three hours sitting in the blazing sun.
Next was two weeks in Newfoundland. The weather wasn’t super there but it was still a great time both in town with the visiting and good meals… with a few trips around (Cape Spear, Signal Hill). And out and about central Newfoundland was excellent too. Seeing Bonavista and Trinity for the first time… Spending time around Botwood with Uncle Eric and Aunt Mini… And a few days on Fogo Island… weather just didn’t really matter that much.
After returning to Ottawa, I found myself drained of creative energy. Got in Saturday night, groceries and laundry was about all I could muster on the Sunday.
And through it all, I have found that after working a day in the latent department, I have no interest in sitting down and trying to be creative. It’s funny, I thought leaving the 12 hour shift, 4 on 4 off schedule of CPSIC would make blog writing easier… more part of my routine. But the two day weekends fly by and I haven’t yet gotten into a good routine of having down time to go with running errands and writing.
Anyway, things return now. Though it’s a fairly short one this week. While in Joe Batt’s Arm, and fairly housebound with strong winds and cold weather, I looked out to see a poor snail upon the back door mat. The picture I took of this got me thinking… and I wrote this on my phone while exploring Riff’s store in the town of Fogo. I did it simply to not forget the idea. Intending to fill it out once I got back to Ottawa. But sitting and looking it over, it seems to me that there’s nothing to add.
Curse these handless hands
As I rap rapplessly at your door
Leaving stickiness to show my attempts
To get close to you