Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Monday, September 19, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #478

Times Upon the Train
Clackedy clack
Don’t look back
The mighty train heads down the track.

Leaps and bounds
All around
A deer and baby gone without a sound.

Walls of stone
All overgrown
Abandoned house striped to the bone.

Sprayed concrete
Awfully neat
Artistic expressions that can’t be beat.

Homes for rent
A woodland tent
Where to live with little spent.

Roads are blocked
All cars are stopped
As we drift through all clipity clop.

Fields of grain
And distant rain
As goes our time upon the train.

--- Back to work.  Fairly slow day.  And Serena Williams is slime… good she lost but the way she talked to the official is beyond classless.  And CBS should be ashamed of itself to basically support her in her wrong doing.

--- Busier day.  Work is fairly steady… physio right after that… home by around 8:00.
--- Some good news on the shoulder front.  Nothing medically proven or anything but the physiotherapist thinks I’ll be done with them at the end of the month and that I should get a new MRI to double check the amount of damage.  Thinking there is less than originally suggested.  We’ll see how it plays out.

--- Night shift.  Goes alright.  Not much happening but I’m really tired due to lack of a good afternoon nap… thunder storms and the biggest hail I’ve seen…  and I’m woken in the morning by a call from… the surgeon’s office.  So no instead of 6-12 months wait I’m in the tail end of October. 

--- Busy night shift. Lots going on.  Before shift, the real estate agent comes by to check out the house… I’ll be on the market in about a week.

--- Cool day… breezy and around 15.  I sleep until about 10:30 and am low key after.  Physio at 1:30 and groceries after that.

--- Up early for golf.  It’s cold to start the day.  About 5 or 6 degrees.  But gets to mid teens by the end of the round. Ten of us from the office go.  I start with Derek and Jon and, with about four holes to play, they have to go… so I join Dan, Kerry and Steve.  Do alright for me… with only a few rounds… 107… and 50 on the back nine.  To Grace O’Malley’s with the rest of the gang (Larry, Terry, Scott and Terry’s friend) and then home for the evening.

--- Up early and on the train.  I’m half asleep during the trip but liking the view out the window while awake.
--- Meet Sam and family… do lunch… then a walk with Sam and his dog followed by supper.  To Massey Hall in the evening for Wilco.  Best show they’ve done out of the six I’ve seen.

--- Up around 9:30.  See Sam and Jen for a bit and then shower and head to the train station.  My complaint about VIA is the food.  Slow to offer it and, unless you’re one of the people at the front of the car, you get little to no choice.  I end up with pringles and a coke.
--- Home for some food and relaxation.

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