Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Friday, October 28, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #483

Sports Old
I’ve become old.

From a sports point of view, I’m old.  Both in the participating, and in the watching.  I mean, I tore up my shoulder shifting in a chair at work!  From being able to play through every ache and pain to wiping yourself out when your butt starts to fall asleep from sitting…. That’s aging.

Even before the shoulder injury, I’ve been holding back in sports.  I used to go 100% at all times.  I once got a double by blooping a ball over the second baseman’s head and catching the outfielder off guard.  I once hit a ground ball to the first baseman, and dove head first into the base to beat him there, safe. 

Yet, for years now, I’ve run at three quarter speed, not wanting to blow another hamstring.  And I’ve given up trying to avoid being tagged out, for fear of rolling over a knee again. 

Yet the showing of my sporting age has gone beyond the field of play.  I now watch hockey games on TV and cringe when I see a big hit about to happen.  Where once I used to scoot to the edge of my seat in anticipation of the collision, I now cower back, turning my head for fear of seeing Armageddon. 

A hockey fight was once good and is now silly and dangerous.  And the players are too young for me now. 

I find myself thinking and talking like an old timer on the porch.  Back in my day, players didn’t wear these silly high numbers.  #72?  He should be ashamed to put that on.  Now #7… now that’s a number.

Be humble after winning a fight, no wrestler style celebration on your way to the box.

Shoot outs aren’t real hockey! (actually, I’m glad I’m old fashion on that one… Shoot outs are pure evil and have made NHL regular season games basically worthless).

The home team is supposed to wear white jerseys!

The designs on today’s goalie masks is too busy and detailed.  Give me a nice white one, or a basic design.

TV time outs are horrible.  Back in my day, when the game went to commercial, you had to run to the bathroom and shoot out your pee with gusto… otherwise you’d miss the next faceoff.

They should outlaw composite sticks! Only wooden ones.

These players have too much padding on! They aren’t supposed to be done up like football players!

Stop with the fear of sharing injury information!  It used to be, if you broke your ankle, you broke your ankle.  Now a broken ankle is coded as Upper Body Injury.  Yes, an ankle becomes upper body in order to avoid targeting when the poor baby comes back. 

It’s gotten so bad, that hockey teams can’t even admit when a player has a cold or flu.  No… he has “flu like symptoms.”  Is that code for hung over?  Otherwise… just say he’s got the flu.  Nobody is going to target the flu.  Maybe it will open up some space on the ice for the guy.  And, perhaps when you really need that extra room on the ice… in those big games… you tell the media “he’s got a case of explosive diarrhea… but he’s still going to play.”

And my crotchetiness has gone beyond hockey. 

I don’t watch football.  Too dangerous, and it’s all about gambling anyway.

Too many baseball players have too many tattoos.  Especially neck tattoos.  It looks like they’re gang members!

Stop pointing to god after you get a hit… or after you score a run… or after you pitch your way out of trouble.  God doesn’t watch baseball… he doesn’t care.

Pitchers are treated like babies.  100 pitch counts… shutting them down for the season when they’ve reach an inning limit.  Back in my day, pitchers threw a dozen complete games a season.  No starter came out while throwing a shutout.  And you weren’t a real starting pitcher unless you threw 230 innings a season.

Mound visits used to be cool.  They were the places where Bull Durham like conversations took place.  It was as if a break was called in the middle of the game and the pitcher, catcher, coach, and a few infielders gathered around in a circle and caught up on the daily news.  Or… in those times when they were talking strategy, they did it like men… talking face to face, with serious looks, and building intensity.

Today mound visits have face covering, for fear of opposition lip readers picking up secrets.  Pitchers put a glove over their mouth and nose… looking like they’re about to cover a sneeze.  Coaches put a hand up, trying to throw off the opposition.  And catchers keep masks down… and even then, STILL put their glove over their mouths.  It’s all mound visit peak-a-boo.  Eyes slipping up over gloves.  Faces disguised.  I’m surprised coaches don’t come out with a bag of peanuts, throwing in a handful of nuts every few seconds… making spoken words and eating chews blend into a lip reader state of confusion.

Yes, I’ve become sports old.  Those young punk players are too big and rough… but also too wimpy and need to suck it up.  My sports senility knows no bounds.

--- Dayshift.  Fairly easy going… not too busy.
--- Was supposed to go for appliances after work… but an offer on the house comes up.  So it’s off to the real estate agent instead of Sears.  Looking positive… should know more tomorrow.

--- Officially, the house is conditionally sold.  Inspection up next… sometime before the 28th.
--- Work is normal.
--- Swing by the new place on the way home.  Outside is completely done… and now I even see railing for the stairs and kitchen cupboards up.  Getting close.

--- Night shift.  And find out that the house change of possession date will have to change… December 27th  instead of 15th now, we’ll see.

--- Up by 9:30 is hard after night shift.  Got to leave the house for a few hours for inspection.
--- Some PVR’d TV once I get back in my house.

--- Bring the car to Mazda… oil change… tires changed over.  Yes, winter tires are on.
--- Do an hour walk while waiting for the car.  Nasty stuff walking through industrial areas.  Loud and ugly.

--- Cold day.  Physio… fill up the gas… and get groceries.  Around the house before and after that.
--- World Series and hockey on TV.  The baseball is crazy tonight.  7-4 Texas into the 8th… 7-5 into the 9th… one strike away in the 9th… St. Louis ties it.  Two run home run for Texas in the 10th… 9-7… St. Louis down to their last strike again… ties it again.  And, in the 11th, Freese home run wins it for St. Louis, 10-9… forcing a 7th game tomorrow.  Wow.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #482

Lady Killers

Who knew there were biting Lady Bugs?
So dainty and sweet
Gently ambling along a flower
Slowly crawling a blade of grass
Perching upon your finger
Or sunning itself atop your shoulder

But biters? Can it be?
An Asian strain
Orange instead of red
Ferocious beasts they say
Python like images come to mind,
Both the comedy Monty and swallowing snake.

I’ve seen them and now feel lucky to be alive
But they looked the same
Yes orange and not red
But in the Obama world
I didn’t dream race would matter
So naïve of me to think
Racial harmony lived
In the land of bugs.

--- Day shift.  Rainy day and busy on the SICAR (shoe impression) program. 
--- New house is coming along… Outside is now done and workers were all over it when I drove by.

--- Feeling iffy on day shift.  After lunch I improve though.
--- Rush off to physio from work and rush off to Telus after Physio.  Blackberry is done and retired… iPhone is in.

--- Up just before noon.  Feeling like hit by a truck.  But that picks up after shower and some food.
--- Get Nick and go to Jenn’s house warming… while my house is showing… no afternoon nap for me today.
--- Supper with Nick and Melissa and then off to work.  Quiet night… pretty much only a tire track and a few shoes to look at.

--- Good sleep and feeling better.  A little TV… a good nap… and off to work.  Quiet night.

--- Quiet day.  Out of bed shortly after noon.  Some TV and computer time with a fairly cool rainy day outside.

--- Physio… just overall weak today.  Doesn’t hurt anything but both right and left shoulder exercises tire things out quickly.
--- Showing of the house in the evening.  Walk the pond for a lap, get groceries, and talking to mom and dad on the phone while I wait.
--- Play around some with the new phone.  It’s quite good at taking dictation.  For e-mails, texts, whatever.  It does it pretty well.  But FaceTime doesn’t work with Sam… not sure why.

--- Quiet day.  Sleep in a bit… walk the pond… taking pictures and videos with the new iPhone.  Pretty impressive.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #481

Don’t listen to a word he says
Only he believes it
Needing to be ignored.

Coarse words spewed
He so sure of his own importance
Everyone tunes in
Ridiculous ramblings for entertainment
Ready to laugh at his freak show
Yet he doesn’t see the joke that he has become.

--- Work is steady.  I had little sleep last night so lucky to get through ok.
--- The house on Aquaview, put up for sale after mine and asking more, is sold.  Hmm. (note: find out later in the week that it didn’t sell after all, but is back off the market and listed as a renter).

--- Work is fine… the drive home is long and winding as two accidents along the normal route have roads closed and me aiming for alternate routes that are quite crowded already.
--- Some hockey on TV for the night along with some baseball.  Yankees are out… Montreal loses to Toronto… and Vancouver lose in that silliness shootout garbage.

--- Some afternoon hockey on TV.  Buffalo looks good.
--- Afternoon naps works for the first time in weeks.  Been doing too much laying there awake.  But today, slept a good hour.
--- Supper out for Karl’s birthday.  Good Thai food.  Straight to work from there and it’s a quiet night.

--- Up just after 11:00.  A quiet afternoon around the house before work.

--- Open house day.  I do an hour and a half walk along the power line corridor and than spend some time sitting and walking around the pond.  Sounds like the open house did well… we’ll see if anything comes of it.
--- Montreal beat up Winnipeg… but nice to see the return of the Jets.

--- Out to Paula and Eddie’s for supper.  Nice BBQ and fun times with little Maria talking and talking some more.

--- Physio… I’m now officially right handed again.  I did the exercises with weights on both my right and left arms… and the right was stronger.  Followed by a little bite before running out during another home viewing.  Buy the new NHL 12 for the playstation.  Got $1 for the trade in of the old version of the game.  Even the staff member laughed and said “it may not be worth it.”

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #480

Summer? Summer?
The only evidence of sun is shades of cloud.
Those over there being brighter than these over here

Gusts of wind blow spittles of rain against ones face
Dotting glasses with a moist film and causing shoulders to hunch up.

The land glowed warmly only a dozen days ago
Allowing leisurely strolls comforted by pillowy blankets of air

A short time later and now it slowly dies
Dropping leaves to the ground and driving the winged away south

We bundle up and stare through the mist
Watching the birds abandon us, trapped here atop dying earth.

Like the birds, the sun rushes away.
Rising later each morning, setting sooner each night
As if needing to be searched out and coaxed to come back
If only for a little while.

--- Work is steady.  Lunch with Melissa.  Go to HMV after work and buy the new Wilco CD.  Vinyl album to soon be bought too.  Need best of both worlds.

--- Work… fairly slow day really… physio… thought September would be it, but the best course of action is to keep going until I see the surgeon in the third week of October (sigh)… got to cut back at least. 
--- Baseball was crazy on TV.  Tampa Bay, down 7-0 into the 8th while, in their game, Boston is up 3-2 going to the 9th.  And still, in the end… Tampa wins 8-7 in extra innings and Boston loses 4-3… and Tampa Bay goes to the playoffs.  Wild.

--- House showings that go nowhere and working night shift.  Not much else going on.

--- Physio and then a walk of the pond as my house is being shown again.  Cold out.  I only do one pond lap and then huddle in the car.
--- Get Sheila and head downtown for Karl’s show.  A late supper follows and then home for a quiet few hours before bed.

--- Quiet day around the house.  First in a while.  Some laundry… turn on the furnace (cold outside)… some baseball on TV… and Boardwalk Empire plus the season premier of Dexter in the evening.

--- Showing between 2:00 and 3:00 and it seems productive, as they call for another showing tomorrow evening.  But a few hours later, this is cancelled and I’m back to square one on the house selling again.  Annoying.
--- Some shopping… got me a can opener.  Life rarely gets this exciting.