Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Monday, August 06, 2012

Making It Up As I Go Along #515

I’ve always been a bit of a nature buff.  This has gone back as long as I can remember.  One of my first favourite TV shows was a nature show.  Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom had me entranced.  Marlin Perkins and Jim Fowler venturing out into the African grasslands… showing us elephants, lions, and crocodiles.  Their voices told a delightful tail and the images had me glued to the set.

Of course this was way back.  Forget HD TV.  Forget remote controls even.  I’d be plopped down on the floor next to our TV and, if you wanted to check around during the commercials, you’d have to hop up and click the dial around.  But with less than a dozen channels at the time, and not wanting to miss a second of the show, I never dreamed of searching the other channels. 

I’d sit during commercials and daydream about the Serengeti.  I’d think about a croc grabbing hold of a wildebeest.  Of vultures picking at zebra bones.  And of lions basking in the African sun.

I was young enough that I didn’t even know how to say my favourite show’s name.  Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom was simply Mitchy-ha-ha.  I’d ask my mother “Is Mitchy-ha-ha on?” with hopefulness in my heart.

My grandmother was also a big nature show fan.  We’d sit and watch Mitchy-ha-ha… or The Nature of Things together.  Sometimes it would be when they’d visit us… with popcorn at the ready.  Often times it would be on our visits to Botwood.  A rainy afternoon would be made cozy and enjoyable with a nature show on and a bowl of fresh blueberries… swimming in milk with some sugar on top.  Granddad would never show much interest.  Perhaps he’d be at the dinning room table playing solitaire (or Patience as it was called).  He may glance up at the striking shark as he reshuffled the deck.  But Nanny and I would sit upon chair and sofa respectfully… her perched ready to rise to the kitchen when a pot of soup needed stirring… and me spread out atop knit cushions.

I also shared my love of these shows with one of our dogs.  Schokee would often plunk down upon my lap as I sat on the floor of my bedroom and watched a nature show on my little TV.  She’d stare intently at the screen and twitch her head from side to side as wolves howled across Canadian mountain winters.

For some years, I watched less nature programming.  Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom was off the air.  The Nature of Things came on at times when I should either be doing homework or was more interested in sports.  My grandparents were both gone, as was the dog. 

So it wasn’t that I was no longer interested in nature as much as time moved on and, to state the obvious, things changed.

Things have changed again.  HD TV entered my world and nature programs have taken over the airwaves.  There are all sorts of programing.  Animals of every variety are featured.  Insects, reptiles, fish, birds… if it lives, it’s featured. 

But even if it no longer lives, the animal is there in high definition glory.  Computer generated dinosaurs are often the topic of the show.  Looking so real that you’d think they roamed a remote part of the globe to this day. 

And there are even those nature programs that don’t cover animals at all.  Mountain peeks are explored with such vividness that the camera flies over top and wisps of windy snow can be seen hundred of feet below our point of view.

And then there is the granddaddy of all HD visual treats… the Volcanoes.  I have seen nothing as spectacular in high definition as the brilliant red of a lava flow.  Molten rock so clear that you expect to feel the heat through the TV set. 

Yes, High Definition television has renewed my passion for nature programs.  Sports remain a high frequency watch for me… but if I was told I could only watch one type of TV show from now on, it would have to be a nature program. 

And often, as I watch… in one of those moments when something is particularly spectacular to me… I think of my grandmother.  Wishing she was there as well.  Knowing she would be as spellbound as me.   

--- Work nights.  It’s kind of busy and we get worked up over typical garbage politics going on in the office.  Ready for another vacation.

--- Bit of a walk in the early afternoon.  Watching some Olympics too but I must say, winter games get my attention much more than summer.  Most of these events bore me… Judo? Gymnastics? Weight lifting? Badminton?  Blah.  If the summer games was only rowing, swimming and diving, I’d be quite satisfied.
--- Softball before work is fun.  Getting into playing centerfield… even if my arm is garbage now.  Tracking balls is fun times.
--- Yesterday’s work garbage cleared pretty well today… changing teams in a few weeks… back to Keith.  Working with Claudio and Jonathan has been good… going back with Keith should also be fine. 

--- Out for a walk… run into a toad… then a deer crosses my path.  Walk over to where the deer reentered the woods and even though I don’t see it through the trees, it sees me… snorts several times and stomps through the woods away from me.
--- Groceries and some TV end the day.

--- Lunch and a walk with Karl.  Good on the patio and a nice walk… but I wonder if the fish and chips didn’t agree with me.  I get really tired later in the evening… nap for a while but am freezing in the house and have to bundle up… then am kind of hot later in the night. 

--- Feel better once I wake.  Try watching the Olympics… it’s a mish mash of coverage spread out too much over too many TV channels.  And even when I’m watching when events are happening live in England, I see more profiles of athletes and lead up to events than actually seeing events themselves.
--- And Moses… the moronic carrying on by the Canadian announcers after the first gold.  Rosie MacLennan wins trampoline and the crew go on pun overdrive.  “Jump for Joy Canada!”… “Everything is Coming Up Rosie!”… and the most horrid… “Champ of the Tramp!”  No woman wants any connection to the term Tramp… at least I’m guessing so.
--- Do a walk.  Out an hour in the heat.  About 40 degrees with the humidity.  I’m actually pretty used to hot weather now.  I don’t feel overly hot out there.

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