Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Friday, September 28, 2012

Making It Up As I Go Along #521


Leaves bruise slender
Skin tendrils off
Green to orange and red
Crumpled under boot

Ask away the staggering
Tongue the glass
Sitting bundled upon the patio
And pronounce summer through

Grass flash frozen green
Ice box night
Films lawns crystal white
Until reclaimed by warmth

--- Dayshift.  Not much more to it really other than the new glasses are ready today.  Not a major difference in things but nice for the change.

--- More days.  After work I do the UFC with Phil.  Wild Wing is the venue so drinks and wings while men beat each other up on TV.  Fun time.

--- Quiet during the day.  Some TV… as much to clear up PVR space for tonight’s programs as to be watching now… the hardships of good HD programing. 
--- Nights at work is fairly quiet.

--- Night again.  More of the same really.

--- Groceries… an hour walk… some TV.  Taking it easy first day off.

--- Ball night.  We win pretty well and I finally remember what the glove is used for.  Still not getting much work in the field.  Seems wherever I play, the ball goes elsewhere.

--- Supper and drinks with Janice and Sheila.  I get a call later on telling me I won the 50/50 draw we bought tickets on. 
--- Knee is a bit tender today.  I think it got a bit irritated at the game last night and I pushed it harder than I should during my walk today.  Nothing serious though.  Just a little inflamed is my thought… and I wake Friday morning with it feeling pretty normal again.

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