Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Making It Up As I Go Along #525

Late Autumn Constitutional
Open wood creating stain glass cathedral light
Rays through branches
Reflecting brightly off a crispy orange carpet

The loudest creature here now
Territorial squirrels chattering less
Cawing crows taking a break
Your feet crunch leaves and kick them rustling ahead

Leaping frogs now leap no more
Thin ice covers their pools
Wisps of snow dot the layer
Kicked pebbles scatter over
Bigger rocks chunk through towards the bottom

Gone are the crickets
Long since digested by birds and mice
Away are the caterpillars
Burrowed beneath the leafy land
Yet there flutters a butterfly
Lonely crossings of browning stalks of wheat

Pity the butterfly as mitted hands swing through the arc
Of this late autumn constitutional

--- Second straight day with a walk going beyond the hour mark.  Got to wear mits now though… and layers, lots of layers.  It is a degree or so but still a thin layer of ice is on many shallow waterways. 
--- Got the PVR down to reasonable numbers now after a month of travel and house guests.  I went most of the month with 20 shows and 70% full.  At the end of today it’s 5 shows and about 25%.
--- Watch some US election coverage while the laundry is going on.  Such a circus down there.  

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