Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Making It Up As I Go Along #451

To Be Or Like Not to Be… Something
Dad got me.  I don’t remember if I thought about it before but I know for sure that I have since he brought it up… and it’s true.  The word “awesome” has lost all meaning.

Awesome used to mean “something which inspires awe”.  Now it is basically a describer for the slightest neat factoid.

And when I think about it, I don’t often use the word.  I don’t think I have often used it in the past either.  I guess I’ve been too understated in my view of things for something to be awesome to me. 

I have seen awesome things.  Lake Louise is an awesome sight.  Stonehenge certainly was viewed, by me, with awe.  Walking the grounds of the ancient Olympic Stadium in Olympia, Greece was also awesome.

For me, it is not an “awesome” thing to hear that Robert Downey Jr. signed on for two more Avengers movies.  I like hearing this.  I’m glad it’s happening.  I’m hardly in awe.

Other modern examples of awesomeness which fall well short of being awesome.  New, sharper razor blades.  Getting money back on tax returns. Skin care creams.   None of these things are awesome.  Not really.

Oh and those skin care ads bring me to another word that gets overused and diluted.  And that word is…“Like”.

This one I am guiltier of taking part in.  For me, anyway, I use it when I’m not certain of a fact’s exactness.  You could say “there’s about five pounds of weight on the scale.”  Or interchange the “about” with “like”.  Saying “there’s like, I don’t know, five pounds of weight on the scale.”

Now back to the skin care ads.  Sportsnet must feel that there are a lot of 13 year old pimply girls watching Prime Time Sports.  Because, every day that I tune in to the show, Proactiv ads bombard the airwaves during this time.

The fact is, I would be afraid of using Proactiv based entirely on how stupid the users of the product sound.  I think whatever concoction they’ve cooked up to whisk away pimples must take brain cells with them. 

There’s a whole bunch of 18 to 25 year olds getting way too excited about clear skin here.  “Now I love my skin!”… I hope I go through life never befriending someone who openly proclaims love for their skin.  Love seems like too great an emotion for skin.  It’s fine and all… I’m glad I have skin… but discussing the level of love I have for it… with other human beings… please no.

There is the token guy on these ads.  He sits in front of the camera and very seriously, as if he’s a doctor informing a patient that they only have two months to live, he tells us… “My back was a pizza… literally.”  The “literally” part of that statement makes this guy an idiot… literally.

I doubt very seriously that this man’s back was actually made out of pizza.  And, if it was, I doubt even more seriously that there is a skin cream that will take that pizza right out of there. 

The stupidest of the Proactiv users (and beats me why the product decided to remove the “e” from there word… maybe this explains the stupid that users seem to develop) is a perky 18 year old.  The poetry which spews forth from her mouth is the stuff of legends…

“People are like, ‘you have such clear skin’… I’m like ‘It’s Proactiv’… they’re like ‘no’… I’m like ‘yes’.”

I often imagine the Proactiv ad’s director.  Yelling for everyone to be “quiet on the set”… bellowing “action!”… and then the studio of production crew, sits… in Awe (obviously)… as this girl bares her soul with such a well spun story.

Then, after the “yes”… the spellbound director slowly regains his composure, wipes away the tears, and… in an emotional whisper says “cut… that’s it… that’s what we’re looking for everyone (sniff sniff)… that’s a wrap”.

This girls use of the word “like” is different than what I described above for my use of the word.  She’s not approximating anything.  She’s not uncertain of some exact amount.  This is her everyday talk. 

William Shakespeare died about 400 years ago.  You’d think 400 years of evolution would have the average person being able to speak as eloquently and colorfully as he once did.  Yes he was one of a kind back then, but the average person then didn’t know about washing hands… they emptied chamber pots out the window… and, during supper, wiped grease from their hands on the backs of shaggy dogs.  Surly, with today’s advanced technologies and education, we’d all be able to describe the world around us as Shakespeare did then.

But alas, it’s like, not to be… or whatever… cause he like read fifteen hours a day or something.  But I love my awesome skin!

--- Quiet day at work.

--- More quiet times at work.

--- Night shift. Again... Quiet. Most systems were down after 9:00. So not much can be done after that.

--- Some work to get done tonight. One of the nights that it'd be just as well being alone though.
--- Thunder and lightning for part of the evening. Pretty heavy duty.

--- 38 with the humidity. Half hour walk is about it today.
--- Thank goodness for the trailer trash neighbours two doors down. They've been keeping garbage... Including a couple of old box springs... out on the side of their house. And today, dude is out in his wife beater shirt hitting golf balls into the woods across the street. I guess, cause it's there.

--- Late morning movie day. Melissa and Nick join me for 3D Star Trek. Good movie. I liked the first of these new Star Treks better but did enjoy this one too.  
--- Book for the Fall Newfoundland trip. Get my flight all set and book three days on Fogo Island right before the wedding for my cousin in Twillingate.
--- Half hour walk and some TV as well.

--- Afternoon Blue Jays on TV. Dickey pitched great. Nothing better in baseball than a great effort by the starting pitcher. Complete games are so rare now. Almost even to seeing a no hitter.
--- RCMP softball as a spare again. It's hot out there. Around 37 with the humidity.
--- For a post game supper treat, it's shwarma and a root beer for me.
--- Evening walk. So many toads on the power line dirt road. I stop counting after a dozen. Likely thirty or so in my path. So it's eyes down for the baby toads... They're all so small. A centimetre or so.

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