Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Making It Up As I Go Along #586

A Mere Reach Away
The family home is full
But still without me
West coasters crossed the country
Flew by me as I slept
Now six are all together
While I’m way over here.

There, the sun beams
A gentle day
In celebration of togetherness
Happiness in the air outside
A mirror of the reunion within

Here, the rain pours
Grey envelops the land
Soggy robins shaking away rain
I sit alone inside
Viewing sunny backyard pictures, a family away.

Grandfatherly hands reach out
Unable to resist the squirm
Of granddaughters
So often separated by a country
Now a mere reach away.

Motherly stories flow
Filling in the daughter
On details phone and email can’t get
Only shareable face to face
While chopping vegetables for the evening meal.

Soon six will be seven
I’ll take my turn rushing above the land
Soaring over the nightly lights of towns and cities
While sitting quietly with drink in hand
And thoughts of family adventures in mind.

In the middle of the night
I’ll escalator down to them
Wishing mom a happy birthday
While luggage carousels spin bags and baby seats
The busiest place in a sleeping city.

Then will be weeks
Of fatherly hands reaching out
Unable to resist my squirm
So often separated by half a country
I’ll now stand a mere reach away.

--- Work is pretty busy.  Especially with the shoe impressions.  One person emailed nine different images in one case.  So one e-mail comes in and that, by itself, is good for a half day work.

--- Carbon copy of yesterday.  Even with the one person sending a load of shoe impressions at one time. 

--- Ok night shift.  Not too eventful one way or the other really.

--- Quiet night.  Time goes pretty slow tonight.  Oh well.

--- Quiet day around the house.  A bit of a walk and not much more.  Pretty normal for first day off.
--- My cough finally seems to be hitting the road though.  Only took five to six weeks.

--- Get outside in my back yard for a bit.  Once I’m out there and sitting on the loveseat, away from the robin’s nest, they’re ok with me being there.  Get some nice pictures of them from the new angle.
--- Of course, when I went out a second time, mama robin saw me coming out the patio door.  This is too close to the nest for her liking.  First she’s on the fence furthest from my love seat making a racket at me.  But when I don’t react, she hops along the fence until she’s looking down on me from five feet away… continuing to reign down robin obscenities.  After two or three minutes of this, she settles and deals with my being there.


--- Grocery run… bit of a walk… some TV. 

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