Torn Blinds
Torn blinds
Howling winds through open windows
It can't be
All was shut as light departed
Power dies
Dimness of clocks and outdoor ambiance extinguish
Blackness brings realization
An intruders arm lashes out
A struggle in the night
Torn blinds and open windows now understood
Punching back
Anger over sanctuary lost
Ricocheting off countertop
Bouncing off walls
I reach out
Found flashlight illuminates
A partial face pauses the action
A bit of ear
Rough cheek
Strands of black hair
And the eye
Dry and clay like white
Bordering blackness
It can't be real
And this thought awakens me
Laying in the scene of my combat
Red glow of clock pulsating shadows across the room
A hint of movement by my window
Reality returns slowly
Drifting in as if the beginning of dreams
I reach for my light
Afraid to see that dry clay white once again
Light proves my solitude
Though my curtain does sigh
As a giant exhaling lung
Sharpening wits notices the floor
My vent nowhere to be found
That which normally straddles curtain
Now enveloped by it
My foggy mind remains unsure
So without another there to call for
Where parents once slept across a hall
But now lay thousands of miles away
Where protective dogs used to slumber
Now only crumpled covers lay
I open my tablet
Battling the lingering creep of intrusion
With the cartoon light of the Simpsons
And after a few minutes of guiding Homer
Of sending Bart on an electronic task
My concerns drift away
The pulsating red of the clock menaces no more
The vent straddling curtain hangs still
The window shut and blinds in tact
I surrender my tablet to the nightstand
And close my eyes
Hoping to see the dry clay white no more.
--- Work alone, sort of. Mark there in training. Mona not there. Fairly quiet until Mark leaves. Then lots of work comes in after 1:30.
--- All alone today. And busy for a Saturday. Going pretty steady most of the day.
--- Mona back with me. Fairly normal night.
--- Quiet last night. Nice way to go into days off.
--- Shopping. Mark's Work Warehouse for sweatpants, leisure pants, socks, and mud boots. Test the boots right away with an hour walk in the woods.
--- Shorter walk today and hang around the house.
--- Forty minute walk and more relaxing around the house.
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