Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Making It Up As I Go Along #603

Winter Pathing
Pathing the landscape is a fun time
That’s what it is to snowshoe
Creating paths across pure snow
First steps
Modern day exploring.

Out my window and across the street
There snakes my path
More substantial than trudging feet
The snowshoe walk
An instant walkway builder.

In some places I follow wildlife clues
The depression of snowed in rabbit tracks
A hint of their passing days before
My steps trace
Boldly showing the way they hopped.

Other times it’s a break in the brush
Paths hidden by summer’s growth
Visible now between the twigs and sprouts
These the hard walks
As even snowshoed, I sink to near knee depths

I’m left to pause
Leaning back against a held ski pole
Panting breath visibly into the cold
Standing in the quiet woods
Where no one stood before.

Soon I’m forced to move on
The clock ticks on snowshoe breaks
Knowing this sweat will kill me if cooled
Bringing danger into this pleasant day
As I carry on past skeletons of trees.

--- Days.  Mexican for lunch at the caf.  Work is kind of steady.

--- Day two of Mexican food at the caf wasn’t a good idea.  The stomach isn’t too thrilled with me for the rest of the day.

--- Normal night shift.  Thai food is tasty and it’s kind of snowy outside today… meaning people in Ottawa go insane.  Slow getting to work due to nut ball drivers and the food is an hour late arriving as well.

--- Alone on nights.  At it pretty steady until midnight or so.  Settles then.

--- UFC night with Phil.  Wings and some beer while watching the fights make for a fine evening.

--- First junior game in a few years.  Go with about a dozen from work and friends and family of those co-workers.  See Connor McDavid play.  He’s really good.
--- About a fifteen minute walk to go from my car to the rink and the same after the game.  It’s cold but a nice walk.
--- I ignore the Super Bowl.  And feel good about it.


--- Hour long snowshoe trip.  It’s a nice time.  Don’t really need the snowshoes for a hike… plenty of hard packed trails.  But I go off trail several times and that’s a workout.

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