Inner Ringing
The inner ringing.
Always there
An electrical hum
In whispered tone
Background noise
Through inner thoughts
And the outside clatter
Unnoticed soundtrack
Of my life
Intensified with exhaustion
Dream caused wake
Brings out the ring
To the forefront
3:00 AM darkness
Conjured more disturbing
As the ringing drifts
Enveloping darkest corners
Of an already dark night
Until morning wake comes
Returning the ominous
To whispered background
Once more unnoticed
As I stretch away the night
And yawn in a new day
The familiar soundtrack
The hum of my silence
Far from late night fears
--- Ball is rained out tonight. I’m alright with that. I’ve reached a point in my softball days where if it isn’t nice and warm outside, I’d rather not play. Gone are the days of fastpitch finals occurring in October back home… and playing on fields that frosted over as the innings went.
--- Was going to go to the Mad Max movie after work… but postponed for a week. So I do a good walk after I get home. A nice part of working the eight hour days instead of the twelves. Time to do other stuff after I get home.
--- Ball is a go this evening. Meet Christine for wings prior to the action. Ate too much for the amount of running around I did. Hit lead off and scored the first four times I got up… so lots of running left wings feeling cranky in my belly.
--- Pretty quiet after work. Tired and not feeling too energetic.
--- After doing the morning testing at work, I take the afternoon off sick. Headache and a bit of a lead feeling stomach made rest at home sound better than concentrating on messy fingerprints at work. By supper time I starting to feel more myself.
--- Close to an hour walk in the late morning. Lots of rain keeps me in the house for the afternoon. Laundry and TV make up the bulk of the afternoon. Falling asleep on the sofa in the early evening. One thing about the no shift, my night owl times are taking a hit. Most nights I want to go to bed before midnight. And I haven’t slept past 8:00 since coming off the CPSIC shift.
--- I did wake up just before 3:00 AM Sunday morning and felt unsettled. Kind of disturbing dreams blend into foggy reality. I force myself into a better reality by turning on the light and checking out things on my iPad.