Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #448

Twenty-Five Years of Ball
Bending joints filled with cotton.
Tightly packed
With dreams of fluid lightness.
Bendy freedom

Achy joints filled with looseness.
Protesting the cereal cupboard
Catching ever so slightly
On a rotating hinge
Unhappy in bed
When positioned
Just so.

Clicking joints filled with weakness.
Once happily playing the Fonz
Now needing an extra effort to bend
With a tiny pop pushing it on its way
Cautiously hoping to avoid
Another backwards slam
It surely won’t

--- Back to work. I’m a bit slow going to start… being the last of the three of us to make it in.
--- Some hockey on TV after work.

--- Lunch with Shannon and Annick and work is ok but weather makes the drive home long… 45 minutes getting there.
--- Some TV for stay up late night.

--- Some TV, a movie and some shows on the PVR… afternoon nap… some podcasts in bed… and then get ready for night shift at work.

--- We lose the first game of Winter Ball… and it’s largely my fault. 4-5 errors in the field cost us more than my hits give. Also, my hip is quite tender after it’s all over. Strained a little something in there.
--- Work is pretty slow and I get some gas before hitting home for a 6:35 AM bedtime.

--- Wake and up by 11ish. Hip is still a bit tight but not too bad. Some hockey pool stuff and a movie in the late morning/early afternoon. Green Zone is pretty good. I think it likely oversimplifies issues around Iraq and the military, but still solid.

--- I think the Montreal Canadiens are becoming retarded. Officially stating that your player is out with an “inner body injury” is probably the stupidest thing said in hockey this year. I think all members of the sports media should be given free reign to make up injuries when teams get this vague. So, with that in mind, Mike Cammalleri is out day to day… with Polio.

--- Some TV and groceries during the day with laundry in there as well. Nick over to watch the hockey game in the evening.

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