Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Friday, January 21, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #449

I Need
I need a vacation.
Of course there’s never a time that people say they don’t need a vacation. But sometimes, four days away just isn’t enough… and this is one of those times.

I need a humidifier.
Every winter I say I need to get one and every spring I decide it’s not that big a deal. Yesterday I lit my room in electric blue with pain… just by touching my light switch… and it never even turned on.

I need summer.
The older I get, the less winter does for me. Bundling up, brushing cars off, scraper, waiting for the heater, wet mud floors each morning at work. The good of winter is far outweighed by the bad.

I need a smoke.
Four words I’ve never said… and meant.

I need a fireplace.
The plug in variety is nice and all, but just isn’t the same. The crackles, the quite muffled woofing sound of flame, the smell and the real heat. So much more peaceful than the furnace cutting in.

I need hair.
So says the TV commercials. No hair makes you the buffoon in advertising. Alone, unable to get by, always losing no matter how hard you try, losing to that guy with a full head of hair… who wins without even realizing there’s a competition going on.

I need no gray in my hair.
Same said TV commercials pick on the graying in society as well. These people must hide their gray in order to show their true self! Without the hiding, people will only see the gray… and a one way trip on an ice pan won’t be far behind.

I need less TV time.
Life is happier when you don’t have strangers interrupting your day, telling you that you’re inadequate, and that if you pay them money, they’ll make you feel alright.

I need less Sarah Palin.
The scary part isn’t that she’s such a delusional idiot. It’s the knowing that there are millions of people out there that believe her.

I need more inspiration.
Saw a clip of John F Kennedy’s speech yesterday, where he says “ask not what your country can do for you…” And I realized if such words were spoken by a leader today, Fox News and conspiracy bloggers would tear the leader to shreds proclaiming Socialism and hidden agendas.

I need a dog.
Keeps it nice and simple and pure. Rub my tummy! Feed me! So nice to have you home! Who doesn’t love a dog.

I need a motorcycle.
Wait… no I don’t.

I need a steering wheel for my coffee table.
Cause that would make Gran Turismo racing game go from great to perfection.

I need…. I need… hmmm… I need.

--- Lunch at work is a farewell luncheon for Annick… off to another job in another building. Too bad for us… good for her. Good Italian food to be had today.
--- Work is busy. Lots of stuff coming in.

--- Pretty slow day at work. I’m tired most of the day and it snows… some ten centimetres or so.

--- Some lazing… an afternoon nap… off to ball. We win this week but the turf is murder on joints. My hip flexors are screaming by the end.
--- Work is fine, a bit slow. And cold… -24 in the car coming home Monday morning.

--- Sleep until noon. No afternoon nap. Busy at work too. Pretty much non-stop until 1:30 in the morning.
--- Got the 1987 Canada Cup DVDs in the mail today. Ooooo baby.

--- Up fairly early for coming off night shift. Before 11:00.
--- Lots of video games. Back to my baseball and hockey for the first time in a month. Fun stuff.
--- Spaghetti. Use some of Ruby’s sauce that was in my freezer. Good eats.

--- Quiet day. Some more video games… Gran Turismo is pretty wild. And I now own a Mini Cooper… in video game form anyway.

--- Sick of self centred meat heads. Fine when they leave me be… annoying when they bring their drama my way.
--- groceries and some TV today.

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