Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Monday, February 14, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #452

First Melt
Drippings of Spring outside my window
White blankets tumbling and flowing from rooftops
Wet stalactites collapse from above
Exploding upon the deck
Bombardments outside my patio door.

Crusted walkways become slushy lakes
Footprints cling to melting snow
Collapsing upon themselves
Until only a few rectangular bricks of frost
Sit as islands within a miniature melt water sea.

The world will freeze again.
This being the opening ideas of warmth
Reminding us of days when even the lightest layers
Produce a salty brine upon our skin
But tomorrow will bring great layers of down and fleece

But the glacial like retreat of snow and ice brings hope
Distant memories of warmth appear a little closer to reality
When cars no longer act as meat lockers
When airs breeze sweetly
And grasses softly give with passing steps

--- How sleepy am I this morning? I wake 12 minutes before my alarm goes off, and actually sleep that last 12 minutes.
--- Work is ok… see Sarah for the first time in weeks… have lunch with Shannon… do my writing after work.

--- Tired for much of the day. And cold. Just constantly chilled. But get through work and stay up late to get ready for night shift.

--- Love the Thai food. But feeling a bit under the weather by this evening… hoping this goes with some sleep.

--- Work the night shift sick… that’s not an easy thing. By 4:30 I’m feeling pretty miserable.

--- After some sleep I’m feeling somewhat better again. Still take it easy at home and generally feeling better in the evening… although it comes and goes.

---Was supposed to have people over for Hockey Day in Canada but cancelled thanks to my cold/flu… feel feverish in the morning and stuffed up all day. I don’t even make it through the Ottawa/Edmonton game, as they’re both just too bad to watch on this day.
--- The meatballs I made several weeks ago are now all gone… yes, the freezer played a roll in it, they weren’t in the fridge for a month… Have to get the slow cooker out again soon.

--- Still not great feeling. Stuffed up and more of a cough than before. So it’s in the house taking it easy with video games and movies. Watch the year anniversary of the Vancouver Olympics… still get cold shivers for much of the stuff they showed.

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