Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #453

No More Christmas
Christmas came to an end today.
The last of the shelled nuts cracked, scooped and eaten.

First to go were Walnuts.
The biggest shells
Split in two
Reminding me of the Shell Game as I ate
Wishing for a marble to place under one
Ready to fool an onlooker as I mix and match.

Brazil Nuts went next.
Cracked before prodding
Scooping them out as a castaway with a coconut
Carving the last goodness out as a sculptor with knife and clay.

Hazel Nuts were third.
Always wondering how they’d be roasted
But never taking the time to experiment with heat
And shoving them in greedily as another goes crack.

Almonds follow.
The most common of them all.
With me year round from the store
Yet still a tasty friend to share the holidays with.

And the last is the pecan.
Never a favourite growing up
I’d eat them when all others were no more.
But the taste developed
And it was as if saying goodbye to an old friend
When the last was gone.

And away are the bowls.
Nutcrackers back in the kitchen drawer
The coffee table Christmas reminder
With nothing left to say.

--- Stay home from work sick. Feeling better as the day goes but when I go for some groceries at around 3:30, it knocks me down. Light headed walking through the store and dripping with sweat by the time I’m home again.

--- Had a good night’s sleep with no drugs to get me through… a sign of improvement. Still feel it in my head in the AM but, by suppertime, I’m feeling more myself with just a bit of a cough for the most part.

--- Back to work. Hard getting in… feel exhausted just getting there… but once I’m in and eat supper, I improve and, by the end of the night, I’m feeling ok.

--- Back to Spring temps. Double digits by this afternoon. Still, I’ll need to bring a winter’s jacket to work tonight as it’s supposed to be back to minus double digits by Saturday morning.
--- Hockey pool stuff before work and then lots of DNA related stuff at work… and like the forecast showed… much colder when I left for home than when I went to work. I need gas for the car but didn’t want to stop going home due to cold and wind. First thing Saturday though… gas time.

--- Lunch with Karl. So long warm temps… almost freeze going from his place to the pub.
--- Quiet afternoon at home.

--- Win at ball. A good game… wasn’t even close. Go to Nick and Melissa’s afterwards and watch some hockey with the crew there. Outdoor hockey is the big gimmick these days and kind of neat to see from time to time… but it’s a bad game more often than not. The ice conditions were garbage.

--- Laundry day and I get screwed by Family Day. Go to the grocery store and don’t know, until there, that it’s closed for Family Day. By the way, Family Day is the most vanilla holiday in the country.

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