Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Monday, July 30, 2012

Making It Up As I Go Along #514

I Used to Catch Grasshoppers
I used to catch grasshoppers.  It was a fun game played alone in the high grass or together with my cousin along the sloping meadow that was his front lawn.

I could sneak up as they sat upon grass doing whatever it is grasshoppers do when they sit upon blades of grass.  Usually it is eating, I suppose.  But often times it seems to be a simple time to hang out in the grasshopper neighbourhood. 

Sitting there, stretching a hinged hind leg from time to time, perhaps surveying the area, waiting to see what grasshopper friend was about to hop on down the meadow.

And as they sat, I’d sneak.  Stealthily as a cat.  Quietly slipping through the grass… hardly making a whisper of a rustle against the green, grasshopper street corner blades…  and then, as the chameleon’s tongue, my hand shot out, enclosed the lazy hopper as King Kong’s hand enclosed around Fay Wray, and I’d slowly pull him towards my face and gently opened my hand, trying to pinch one of his legs between my thumb and forefinger in order to anchor him to me… for a proper examination… the type only ten year olds could give.

More often than not, the finger pinch anchor was ineffective.  The grasshopper would hop out of his leg, leaving a twitching appendage within my fingers as he returned to the meadow a lesser hopper.

These days, the grasshoppers are safe from my grasp.  I hope the reason is they’re evolution as a species… that perhaps, in Darwinian form, these last thirty years have given grasshoppers across the world an extra ability to sense predators and leap beyond reach faster than a speeding bullet.

In reality, the reason for their increased safety is more than likely to do with my slowing down than they’re speeding up.

Where I once was as a cat… I’m now a lumbering elephant.  Crashing through the vegetation and giving grasshoppers everywhere a ten-minute advanced warning system.

Yes, I still see them when I go on my walks.  There are thousands of grasshoppers all around my neighbourhood.  And twice I’ve gotten close enough to take a reasonable picture of one.  Though the first of these pictures was of a dead grasshopper being munched on by a bug… while the second was during a light rain, when the poor hopper seemed keener on hunkering down than hopping away.

Beyond those moments, the grasshoppers have nothing to fear when I come by.  I feel almost mocked by them.  They give me a ten foot buffer zone but, once I’ve entered this area, they leap away… maintaining the buffer while I watch on helplessly… daydreaming about twitching legs between my fingers and the impossibility of such a scenario ever again repeating itself.

--- Day shift and I’m alone doing it.  Pretty quiet day in the office. 
--- Water the lawns after work and a bit of TV.

--- Alone again today at work.  Busier than yesterday but still not too bad.
--- Go to Batman with Phil after work.  Good movie though I did like the previous one better.  Heath Ledger was just that good.  Some loss at this movie too… I left my box of Smarties behind.  Feel bad for it… poor Smarties.
--- More lawn watering.  Trying to fight off the brown.
--- Watch the Newsroom after the movie.  Really liking that show.

--- Rain!  Lots of it.  Not before I get my walk in… just a half hour today cause it’s about 38 when I go out there.
--- Then the heavens open this afternoon.  Wind and rain and hail with thunder and lightning.  It had it all.
--- I get no tree on my front lawn.  They went around planting trees this morning.  I noticed afterwards that virtually all the properties like mine… a thin strip of grass… are left without a tree.  Oh well.
--- Work is pretty busy until midnight or so… then slows up pretty good.

--- Softball before work.  Bit of fun… hit the ball pretty good a few times and make a barehanded play on 3rd… but we get smoked. 
--- Work is alright.  Not too busy.

--- Up earlier than I should be.  4 hours sleep is about it.  A walk… more for pictures and exploring today than exercise… but I’m going for a good hour and twenty minutes, so get a bit of both.
--- Water and cut the lawn and a bit of evening TV

--- Get some groceries and do a walk.  A little TV as well and some laundry… a relaxing day.

--- Montreal… Nick’s bachelor party is a fun time in a fun city… with proof of my age vs. the rest.  By the time we’re in to Saturday night, supper is about all I’ve got in me… and, as we stand outside a bar… with me next to a trash can… a guy wants to ditch some garbage… “excuse me sir.”
--- So, I’m not the life of the party but do enjoy the parts I take part in.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Making It Up As I Go Along #513

Too busy to post for a week.  So a big one here on the week portion.  Been up to too much today too… laundry, walk, groceries… next week will be more substantial.

Today I walked a landlocked town
A snake bathing in sun
Turkeys scampering away
Monarchs pollinating summer fields

Grocery shoppers
Who have never been to the ocean
As they eye Chilean berries
And vegetables from Argentina

Two days ago I walked a trail
Worn from generations of walkers
Lighthouse keepers taking a day
Walking for supplies

The historic trail
Granting spectacular views
With sea birds perched on rock
And bus sized whales gracefully slipping
Disappearing into depths
Tail waving his goodbyes

One can go from a wave by a submerging whale
To a landlocked grocery selling global foods
One hundred and fifty years ago such journey takes weeks
Today it becomes six hours

Where once it took meandering trails
Followed by stormy seas and horse and cart
It now is climate controlled vehicles
Cushioned seats and ice chilled drinks

And in this day and age
With luxuries globally whisking
I remain most struck by the old coastal trail
And that whale
Slipping into the depths
With a flick of his tail.  

--- Fly day.  The flight to Halifax has me next to an 88 year old woman who told me the story of having sat next to James Earl Ray (the man who killed Martin Luther King) when he tried to escape to England.  He didn’t talk to her on the entire flight and rushed off the plane as soon as it landed at Heathrow… He never made it out of the airport and she didn’t realize until she saw his picture in the paper the next day.
--- Lobster for supper with the family in St. John’s.  A bit of a walk after that and I have no internet connection by the end of the night.  For some reason my laptop won’t connect to the wireless network and the SIM card on my iPhone appears to have given up the game.  Telus trip needed tomorrow.  But I didn’t realize how aggravating it would be to no longer have the option of being connected.  Text, e-mail, iMessage, twitter… even that ridiculous facebook… all gone.

--- By late afternoon, the computer is back up on the wifi.  And I have to do some driving around for the SIM card for the phone.  But by the time we go to Wayne’s for supper, I’m back up and running.  Big feed at Wayne’s.  Good time with a load of family.
--- As foggy a day as you’ll see.  The Rain, Drizzle and Fog feel nice for a change.

--- Rainy for much of the morning and afternoon.  Edena and I do a walk and get nailed with some of the rain… but a nice 45 minute time. 
--- To Wince’s for supper.  Good food and cards follow it.  Nice times.

--- To Canadian Tire in the morning with dad.  Exchange air pumps for the air mattress. 
--- Signal Hill with Edena and family in the afternoon.  Walk close to half the trail and turn around to go back the way we came.  Crowded on the hill today.
--- Supper is home made lasagna with some 13 of us in the house… all family.

--- Up early and driving to central.  Stop at Clarenville for the greatest hamburger a gas station ever produced.  It actually is good for real, they have a nice restaurant there and make the burgers from scratch.
--- In a bizarre twist of fate, we decide, at the last minute, to pull in to Walmart at Gander.  And then a car just pulled out of a space in the row we happened to choose to go down in the parking lot… and we pull in along side cousin Jeremy (just down from Fort McMurry for a visit home himself. 
--- Nadine’s bed and breakfast is a great old house in Joe Batt’s.  We do a very short walk, play some cards, and hit the sack.

--- Mom’s birthday.  Do a hike out to the Great Auk statue at the point on the south side of Joe Batt’s.  Jenny and Bert and family are with us for this.
--- Some shopping for mom and dad as well… and supper tonight is great at Nicole’s with twelve of us there and good food… ending with a ice cream cake for mom.

--- Brimstone Head in the morning.  The wind ready to blow us away… but a nice view.
--- Lunch is a picnic at the base of the Head… a family with dogs in the area… a cute 7 week puppy staggering around… and gulls ready to eat us all.
--- Lion’s Den trail after lunch.  Nice time looking at the old sites of communities.
--- BBQ at the BnB… followed by a sunset Back Wester’ Shore time.  Cards end the night.

--- Half way through my trip home.  Clue up in Joe Batt’s.  Head to Sandy Cove and Tilting.  Have lunch at the ferry terminal area and then head back to the mainland.  Check in at Twillingate and have supper at Bert and Bett’s with Jenny and Karen there.  Nice night with good food and fine weather.

---Rudy Maxa Day. See him and his crew as we drive to the lighthouse. Then again a half hour later there. And once again at supper. They're staying in the same place as us.
---Also do some driving around Twillingate and have lunch on a nice beach.

---Off to Botwood. First a visit with Bert and family followed by Shirley. Get to Botwood for supper and a fire with Eric, Minnie and Tracy and Trevor (plus families).

---Walk around the old army base and island in the bay. Then off to Eric's cabin for the day. Nice there. Relaxing.

--- Travel Day back to St. John’s.  Irving in Clarenville for lunch again… burger goodness again.  Meet Jim in the evening to watch his son play baseball and then hang out at his house for the rest of the night.

--- Fred’s Records for some shopping.  Also head to the Geocentre for a look around and head out to supper with Joanne and Dave.  Two vinyl albums at Fred’s… and good Greek food for supper.

--- Hike with Edena and Duff along the East Coast Trail.  See a whale right away… first time I see one dive deep with the tail show on the way down.
--- Supper is great.  Family thing at my favourite St. John’s restaurant.  Meet Craig after that for a few drinks and catching up.

--- Downtown for a little morning shopping.  Turkey dinner for supper with salt meat and all.
--- Fly out in the evening.  Sitting next to a big guy… about 350 pounds I figure.  So not so much elbow room for me.
--- Water the lawn when I get back.  It really could use it.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Making It Up As I Go Along #512

Contrasting Canada Day
Being at the centre of Canada for Canada Day is an unusual, almost bizarre event.

Once before I went downtown for Canada Day.  But that was in the middle of the day for a couple of hours simply to get a flavor for it all. 

This year we went for the big event.  The Canada Day fireworks display.

There is nothing more Canadian than Canada Day.  The day when we put on something red and feel special as a people of a diverse nation.  And the biggest Canadian place to be on Canada’s day has to be Parliament Hill… the centre of our politics.  Where every corner of the country is represented.

It’s an interesting thing, to watch the people appearing at Parliament Hill on Canada Day.  Firstly, it’s a young group of people.  Hundreds of thousands come.  In all probability, 95% of them is under the age of 70.  I’d figure, just eyeballing it this year, that three quarters of the people are under the age of 50.  And probably half the people are below 30. 

And the breakdown goes further.  The oldest of the people making their way downtown for the fireworks appear to be immigrants.  Not only that… they seem to take the event quite seriously.  Families from foreign nations seem to be here to pay their respects.  A newfound pride of their adopted home. 

Those who most obviously were born here… French and English speaking white people… were, on average, the youngest of those downtown.  They are also there not to pay respects.  They’re there to party. 

I can’t say there was any visible violence.  I saw no fights and really no arguments either.  But when the crowds became their biggest, it is this group of people who are most annoying to the rest of us. 

When grass spaces became short in supply, the young whites loudly claimed lands already sat on by the older immigrants.  Not that they young moved the old out of the way… but they were quick to do away with buffer zones.  A space normally large enough to hold three or four suddenly is invaded by an additional five.

And the barriers set up to keep flowers and shrubs safe from stomping, are breached when the crowds become too great.  And the breach, unsurprisingly, is done by the young. 

Be it people’s personal spaces or those spaces restricted via barrier, these people aren’t here to respect… they’re here to party. 

The worst example I saw of this lack of respect… of this drunken stupidity… came as we were leaving the hill and walking back to our car after the fireworks are complete. 

One fellow is loudly guiding a friend back towards a doorway.  Wanting his friend to see the source of his drunken drama.  He bellows “see this bum over here? He’s the one who got mad. All I wanted was to take the bum’s picture.”

The “bum” was a homeless man, seeming to be passed out in a door frame.  And the drunk youth seems to have decided a picture of a bum would be fun to share on facebook or twitter.  Or maybe Instagram.  And what was sad was that the drunk photographer wasn’t angry at the homeless man’s outburst.  He seemed puzzled.  As if he couldn’t understand why the dog he’s poking with the stick would suddenly bark and snap at him. 

I saw families of Chinese, East Indian, and Middle Eastern people come to Parliament to share in the most Canadian moment of Canada Day.  They were respectful and happy to be there.  They made you feel good about being a Canadian.

And then I saw people born with more than those people have worked a lifetime to get.  And those people were so stupid and immature, that they thought it would be a fun thing to photograph homeless people… showing them the same level of respect as they would a discarded piece of furniture, left on the curb free for the taking. 

I’m glad I went for the fireworks.  I’ve had the experience now and seen many things that day well worth the seeing.  But I won’t go back.  I’ll be as most of the people I know living here.  I’ll do a barbeque or gather at a home.  I’m just too old for drunken stupidity now.  And I don’t want to witness another attempt to put a homeless man on an Instagram feed.

--- Annoying day at work.  Just really ready for the vacation.  Everything is bugging me in that place right now.
--- Softball after work is good.  A good way to unwind.

--- Last day before vacation.  Everything is a mess.  Computer programs not working, network printers unavailable… only the best.

--- Night shift… kinda busy… but not too bad.  And at the end, I’m done for a while.  Drift home to the sun brightening the land and a fine tune on the car stereo.

--- Sleep until 11:00ish then up and a walk, followed by some last minute pre-family cleaning.
--- Edena and family arrive around 10:00 PM.  Chat a while until 1:30 or so then bed.

--- Canada Day.  Get some groceries… watch the soccer on TV… then downtown.  Poutine for supper and get a spot for the fireworks.  Endure the growing crowds and enjoy the fireworks.  Pretty tired by the time we walk back to the car.

--- Upper Canada Village.  We meet Paula and Eddie there and have a good lunch in the village and a good walk around to boot.
--- BBQ when we get home… a walk after that and some Fawlty Towers on DVD to end the night.

--- Downtown for lunch at the Sidedoor… good food.  From there it’s the Van Gogh exhibit at the Art Gallery and Edena and Duff’s house warming from there… a canvas print of a favourite painting.
--- Home and put the painting on the wall… a bit of supper and some more Fawlty Towers.