Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Making It Up As I Go Along #292

— Reasonable day at work... training and working away. Lunch with Kiyomi, Michelle and Anne-Marie. My stomach is a bit touchy though today. I think the shawarma I had yesterday wasn’t all it could have been.
— Scraped frost from the car for the first time this fall/winter. A week ago it was 25 degrees, today it was -3 when I leave in the morning. It does warm to about 12 but still.

— Work is okay. Hang with Megan some at lunch and a break... with Kiyomi at the other break.
— Long walk tonight... and some hockey on the tube.

— Tired day to start... hard getting out of bed. But okay at work. Training Jenn still, this time in TC AFIS. A few visits with Laura... lunch with Megan... and after work, Janice and I go for a quick bite before going to the arena to watch Laura play hockey with the RCMP guys. It’s a fun time.

— Day starts rough as there’s a blackout and three sets of lights are out on the drive in. So the drive becomes twenty minutes longer.
— Work is fine. Lunch is lots of laughs with Megan, Kiyomi and Martin. A bit of TV and the internet end the day.

— Luncheon for Atlas today. So work gets a break that way. Watch Apocalypto on the movie network tonight.

— Quiet time around the house during the day. Some movies... laundry... a few phone calls.
— Out for the evening. Atlas and Karen pick me up, we meet Laura and Sheila and some others at a diner... go to a bar for a drink... then off to another bar for a show. Pretty fun night.

It’s Complicated
Well I’ve done some writing today. But it’s nothing I’m too keen to share. Sometimes, things don’t need to be an open book.

Now, things are complex. People guard privacy with such ravenousness that it’s like a trusted friend is a thief that needs to be watched suspiciously. But, at the same time, people share their minutest life details with such tools as blogs, Facebook and MySpace.

YouTube makes an ordinary thirty second segment of your life entertainment on a global scale.

One minute people feel as though they’re being stalked, the next minute they’re calling for all to see a private moment. I guess it’s all about control. Taking charge of what you share... and how much of it you give.

I’m torn on the matter myself. I don’t want to share everything. I don’t want to be under the illusion that anyone else would even care to see or hear what I’ve got to share. Yet, at the same time I write a blog and send out an e-mail.

I was once recently asked “where’s Sunday?” on my blog. I write a daily list, telling the things that stood out, but Sunday is usually absent.

There are times I include Sunday. If I’ve basically had an entire day go by before sending out my update, maybe I’ll include the reason for the delay. But what started as a simple exclusion has grown into a type of stand.

Sunday’s were originally excluded because the writing was done Sunday morning and nothing else had happened to that point in the day. But now, it’s more of a wall. I share every other day of the week... sharing mostly only what I wish to share but, in actuality, sharing most of my meaningful things all the same.

So Sundays have become mine alone. One day of the week that I can do what I want without feeling any need or desire to share it.

I don’t know the answer to it all. I don’t know if people should be more open or more private. Plenty of times I’ve seen people share more than I’ve ever wanted, or cared, to know. And, other times, people shoot up walls about such mundane things as their weekend activities.

I guess it’s proper judgement that I would like to see more of. A cell phone is a great device to keep in touch with friends and family who you can’t be near. But it can shut out those that are right there next to you while you use it. Frivolous text messaging when you’re not alone is like making fun of someone who’s standing right there. They can see it happen, they know it’s happening, but they’re being left out of the activity.

So today I did write something more than this. And it’s something that means more to me than the stuff I’m typing here. But not everything has to be thrown out there for all to see. And the complexity is... at the same time, I wish people did this more... and less... often.

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