Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Making It Up As I Go Along #310

— Long day due to the weather again. Between traffic and me having to scrape ice off the car, I’m twenty minutes late getting in to the office.
— Work itself is alright and by day’s end, it’s above freezing and clear out.

— Sort of tired at work but get through it anyway. I cancel out on movie night. The weather tomorrow is supposed to stink and being tired today with tomorrow supposed to be trying, I thought stay home and rest up and we’ll do the movie Thursday instead.

— Loads of snow. The drive in and home isn’t as bad as it could be though... probably cause most cars are staying off the road. Probably close to 40 cm fell.

— Well yesterday was 28 cm of snow... not 40. But still lots on the ground.
— I stay home today. Just feel beat up and run down and sore. Sleep quite a bit today... I think 4 naps.

— Work is okay... snowy in the afternoon though and it keeps going all evening.
— To Melissa’s for supper and a movie. Nick and Isaac are also there and I have my first try of Guitar Hero. Not too good at it but it’s kind of fun.

— Home all day with the snow. Starts at 11:30 after we had another 15 to 20 cm yesterday... and it snows all day.
— There are several questionable things when it comes to what gets covered within sports. (1) how is a spelling competition among children worthy of broadcast on an all sports network? (2) dog shows? (3) poker? A fun game but a sport? (4) Why is it that fat guys who take off their clothes and paint their bodies at sports events are necessary for the fan at home to see? For Pete’s sake, these guys make the plays of the week all jiggling around.
— Ends up being about 50 cm of snow from Saturday morning to Sunday morning.

Summer landscapes and winter landscapes... how they differ.

In the summer, the land is lush and wispy.
Life crawls, flies and jumps about.
Molded fields roll gently.
Even a hill attempts to be flat.

In the winter, the land is frozen and bare.
Life remains hidden beneath.
Mouse and vol trails will appear in the melt.
Hills become hillier, interspersed with dug trenches.

Shoveled hills separate asphalt.
Neighbours in trench warfare with each other.
Lobbing white mortar over the mound
Shovels and blowers as weapons protecting auto prizes.

Summer neighbours wave and chat.
It’s peace time as they trickle water on flowers.
Children cross the lines as if they were never there.
Playing young, gardening adults, living in harmony.

Summer winds blow soft and warm.
A friend that shoos away mosquitoes.
The land whispers as plant life dances
rustling to go with local chirping, buzzing, croaking, and twitering.

Winter winds blow harshly and cold.
It whips speckled ice into faces.
Tenses muscles in defense against cold invasion.
It distantly howls through lifeless wood, cracking ice bound branches.

How many mosquitoes would you endure
in order to feel the warmth once more.

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