Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Making It Up As I Go Along #349

Next write up should be coming from Newfoundland. I’ll try to stick to the time frame... so expect it up around December 18th. But with travel and times back home, it may be off a day or two one way or the other.

— Work day. I’m alone for part of the day and it goes fine... busy but fine. And I sleep okay before work too, which is good.

— Work is sort of busy but not too bad... Phil did more than me though, so likely a busier day from my partners point of view.
— Spaghetti with Ruby after work and some TV for the night. I’m trying to stay up late now to get going for night shift. I’ll be alone part of tomorrow night... so it may get boring.
— I’m hating politicians. They should never be called “the right honourable” ever again... these clowns don’t deserve that kind of respect.

— Lazy day, sleep much of it to adjust to shifts... meet Laura at Grace O’Malley’s for some drinks and a snack before work. Cara Lee is there with us... it’s good to see Laura again.
— Work much of the night alone. Phil goes after 9:00 and then it’s just me until 5:45. Not a bad night either. Nothing blew up on my watch.
— Could have had an accident on the highway on the way to meet Laura. Slick roads and the cars in front of me broke hard to look at the flipped over car in the ditch. I had to break hard not to hit them and the anti-lock breaks and snow tires saved the day.

— See Ruby when I get home, say goodbyes and go to bed. Wake up around noon, with her and Lee gone. Watch a movie in the afternoon (Cloverfield... I kind of like it... some holes in the realism they try to create but a pretty cool horror movie). Off to bed again after that and sleep about an hour. Get some stuff ready and head to work.
— Work is half and half. Not a very good start to it... makes it annoying for a while... but it seems to settle as the night goes. I do the gym at 11:30 and Phil leaves for the night after I get back... so from 12:30 to 5:40 I’m on my own.
— Drive home is slow with snow on the ground... it’s neat to see the fresh rabbit tracks around the building going to the car... but the drive isn’t so nice.

— Up around 1:00 with the power out. It’s back at 2:00 and I’m lucky... several in the area were out until 7:00 tonight.
— Cold... -15 without wind... likely -25 with it... to -32 with the wind tonight.
— Softball stinks. Our team is probably the worst team I’ve ever been on. I’ve enjoyed making plays on the field and I like the guys but I’m tired of being on a bad team that’s willing to talk positively about a 23-5 loss against an average team. Looking forward to adding some new people for the winter league... and really looking forward to getting outside again this summer. Maybe I’ll look at getting on with a more competitive league as a single player... I’ll see but I don’t want to be accepting of lopsided losses as if we did alright. It’s a lousy attitude and helps create the losses in my mind.

— Very lazy day. I watch a movie and snooze several times. Watch some of that True Blood show in the evening. It’s too cold out to go outside the door... around -17.

— Bad weather day. I stay in all day and watch much of the True Blood series on On Demand. Pretty good.

Christmas Travel
A week away from family time
With food and hugs and chats,
Or will Air Canada mess it up
And send me to Iraq.

A week away from the sea
With salty moisture on the air,
Or will Air Canada screw it up
And fly my west of here.

A week away from familiar hills
Places I’ve often been,
Or will Air Canada muck it up
And send me to the city of sin.

A week away from home cooked food
Where weight will pack right on,
Or will Air Canada botch it up
And send me to Hong Kong.

You never know with Air Canada
Every trip is so uncertain,
You may not even go anywhere
And wind up back where you’re startin’

I’ve been on trips that take two days
It’s really not that far,
But Air Canada can find a way
To make flights like drive by car.

So a week from now I’ll try it out
I’m hoping to get lucky,
If not I’ll spend the Christmas cheer
In an airport in Kentucky.


Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, anti-AC are we my young friend....much anger, have you, young jedi...turn to the darkside you will!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the holidays in NL. Many of us have already turned to the darkside from AC has put us through over the years. Viva competition!