Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Making It Up As I Go Along #389

The Snow Tire Affair
There are connections between people. Connections that can span the globe where, without talking to or seeing them, you just know something is wrong. Such connections are most often spoken of between twins. One falls and breaks a leg... the other feels pain. One trapped under a fallen bookshelf... the other feeling a sudden urge to read. Hmm, maybe that isn’t completely right... but you get the idea.

The Brown family has had such a connection. Even though my sister is on the western end of the continent and my parents are in the far east. And even though I’m perched in the middle of them all... we came together last week. No phone, e-mail or text message played any roll. Perhaps we came together in our dreams. But last Wednesday, from coast, to middle, to coast... we all had winter tires installed on our cars.

Sure this isn’t as sexy a connection as those direct to video movies which star Pamela Anderson as a pair of twins. There are no double crosses, murders, or nation wide journeys where one can’t rest until they’ve reached the other, as they lay trapped. But it’s still pretty spooky. Hey, I mean really... if a Doritos chip can look like Jesus, this isn’t beyond the realm of the supernatural.

Some knowledge was shared the night before the event. A quick e-mail exchange between sister and I enabled us to realize we were both about to hit the garages the next day. But the plans were all set in motion well before these e-mails. Edena makes plans of this nature weeks in advance. It may have been first hatched as far back as May. You just really never know.

But in previous years, despite best intentions, I have found myself waiting until after the first major snowfall. When the car needs a good twelve hours of garage time before it’s ready to be picked up. For some reason, this year, something entered my subconscious. And I had to make the move while still able to walk back to work in a fleece and sneakers.

The eeriness peaked upon learning that dad had also brought the car in. Just a casual e-mail discussing the days events. Yet the mention of the snow tires stuck out on the electronic page as if it were written in blood and dripping down the wall. I sat dumbfounded at the coincidence.

Near a week has gone by since the Day of the Tire. I’ve been able to drive about with little need of them. Temperatures have stayed up and roads have remained clear. But this must have happened for a reason.

I suppose I should not be surprised in the fact that I can not understand this. The universe is a complex place... one that we are unable to fully comprehend. If a butterfly’s wings can create hurricanes, I’m sure the Simultaneous Snow Tire Affair also holds a greater meaning.

Last Wednesday, the Brown family set the wheels in motion for something magnificent.

— Work... not a real busy day... a staff meeting that meant nothing.
— Bit of TV in the evening.

— Officially out of CPSIC. It won’t happen until the beginning of December. At that time, it’s back to AFIS for me... mostly night shifts again. Back to eight hour days and regular weekends off. It’ll take getting used to in many ways.
— Movie night. After Phil drops me to get my car (snow tires put on) it’s supper at the mall and then Paranormal Activity at the movies with a crew of us. Sarah and I are the only two to really like it. Jamie thought it was alright. Everyone else (Phil, Jon, Sheila, Julia... disliked it).

— Find out that yesterday was a family bonding event from coast to coast... Edena, mom and dad, and I all put snow tires on the cars yesterday.
— Quiet time around the house waiting for night shift. Not a great afternoon nap, so we’ll see if tonight gets tough.

— Bad back. Big knot in the middle of the shoulders.
— Two phone calls before 9:30 this morning... which isn’t great when bedtime was about 7:20. Got back to sleep again after until about 12:15. So not too bad.

— Up around 11:30. Sleeping in to most but not when you consider I went down at about 6:30. Hang around the house... nap during the hockey game and watch a few movies.

— Quiet day around... then off to ball. We lose a close one. Supper with Nick, Dusty and Melissa afterwards and then home for some Sunday night TV.

— More goalie masks in the house! I end a walk of the pond and go to the mailbox to find my miniature masks arrive from the Hockey Hall of Fame. Gerry Cheevers and Grant Fuhr join the Fuhr autographed rookie mask mom and dad gave me on their visit. I’m just a goalie mask junkie. I love to look at them.

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