Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Making It Up As I Go Along #440

Driving to Ball
God damn the mighty Greenbank
Running straight to where I go
Yet every hundred yards a yellow
Which makes the journey slow.

Hurry along the pathway
Until yellow turns to red
Bringing me to anger
The halting light shade of my head.

Others travel ‘long the Greenbank
They don’t seem to mind the wait
Yet I sit behind them fuming
This motion stuttering makes me late.

In the distance see the goal
It sits so very near
Though it seems utterly impossible
Will I ever make it there?

— Work is alright... not too busy.
— Booked for Christmas. Barring bad weather or plane trouble, I will be home Christmas Eve.

— Annoying afternoon for a bit. Sometimes I’m just not much of a people person... there are times I’d rather not be around many of them.
— Eddie and Paula booked on the same flight home as me for Christmas. Good times.

— Pick up pizza for the office on the way to work. Pretty easy going night at the office.

— Work is pretty quiet. And I gain some luck as Debbie comes in to relieve me an hour early. Nice times when the relief forget to roll their clocks back.

— Catch up on some lazy TV watching... then to ball. We win again and I have a tonne of balls hit at me at 3rd base. Probably am in on about half of the outs for the entire game. Fun stuff.

— Lunch with Karl. A nice time out. Some TV and video games after I get back.

— Reading much of the afternoon. Some computer work and a movie on the TV get me through the rest of the day. Plus Montreal vs. Vancouver in French on TV.

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