Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Making It Up As I Go Along #502

The Tree Beside the Trail
A seed drop beside the trail
Settling into a pulpy nest
Until the sun fades low
And the earth is overcome with snow

A sprout pops up along the trail
First sign of new growth green
Bowing to the weight of insects
Struggling out of ancient bark

A twig rises by the trail
Softly brushed by passers by
Bending with the caress
Springing back as they go by

A sapling grows up at the trail
A home for small birds
Perched with penthouse views
Of scurrying rabbit and squirrel

A tree invades the trail
Branches brushing passers heads
The trunk used as handrail
As booted feet stride around pooling water

The tree overcomes the trail
The trunk thick and roots spreading
The trail diverges slightly west
A bend created by wooden wall

The tree shelters the trail
Casting shadow from summer sun
Fending off sweeping rains
As winds lash against its rigidness

The tree blockades the trail
Overcome by wind it crashed down
A great log to be used as step
Or hopped over by equestrian dogs

The tree becomes the trail
A worn patch on top
From hundreds of steps
Mosses coat it green and soft

The tree gives way to the trail
Mossed fibers border the walk
Remnants of wood reminding
While the step becomes forest floor

And then in Fall
A seed drops down
Nuzzled in the rotting pulp
Covered over by frozen white
Until Spring thaw brings new green
A small sprout
Climbing from the mossy floor
Lifting up through the bark shell
Of what used to be a tree.

--- Easter… and I’m at work.  Find out, through e-mail, that I have Easter treats waiting for me thanks to mom and dad hiding them during the visit a few weeks back.  Nice treat.

--- Work is slow… very slow.  Some groceries after that and pop by the old place quickly to talk with the new owner.  Get a quick look of the place.  She’s got it looking good with the carpet gone and laminate in it’s place.

--- Blood work.  At least it was quick.  There, done and back again in about 40 minutes.  A little walk through the woods and ponds… jumped on several times by a neighbour’s puppy… so muddy me after that.
--- Cheat day for food.  Wendy’s for supper at work.

--- A walk in the afternoon… night shift at work.  Not much else.

--- Up way to early.  Ended up sleeping around 3.5 hours.  Some TV and then physio.
--- A walk after Physio is nice… out an hour and surprise a wild turkey in the wanderings. 
--- Some evening hockey on TV… but can’t say I’m terribly interested in any of the games.  St. Louis and Boston both have a way to make hockey unenjoyable… and Ottawa were never really in it in their game.

--- Lunch with Karl is nice.  A little late birthday lunch for me.  Pick up a Wilco vinyl album I didn’t already have too.
--- Walk the woods after I get home.  See a frog and scare off some geese in a clearing. 
--- Baseball and hockey on TV… fairly depressing overall.  Vancouver are playing horribly.

--- A walk… out about an hour.  Legs are starting to feel stronger these days.
--- Hockey is getting so annoying from the bending of rules and dealing with silly “codes” within the game… so much so that I barely watch any today.  Movies draw more interest.

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