Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Monday, May 21, 2007

Few Thoughts.

Updated my "Profile". I had forgotten that it was even there.

Seeing that the profile had been viewed 81 times prior to my update of it, and thinking of what I heard on TV today where it's questioned why so many people want to share so much with so many others, I'm left wondering (and not for the first time) if blogs are even a good thing.

I mean really, what does anyone care what I did last Tuesday? I don't know... I'm torn. There are times when I think it's cool to do this kind of stuff and there are other times when I feel like I'm best off leaving such stuff to myself rather than sharing it to whoever.

Are blogs an outlet for people with delusions of grandeur? And does my having a blog mean that I somehow feel like this is my way to gain fame? And what is fame in this day and age? Let's face it, people who make a joke of themselves on American Idol get record deals... so fame is rather cheap and easy to come by (especially if you want to make an ass of yourself).

Anyway, I just try to think of this thing as my keeping in touch with friends. I mean I'm not a great person when it comes to phone calls. And I clam up some when I see people face to face. So if friends want to get to know me, I suppose this is a way to do it. Or maybe I'm just caught up in fame of the 21st century?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think there are three distinct categories of people (generally) who blog. There are those blog simply because their ego demands it and they want some level of fame (whether it is real or not). Then there are those who blog to provide the public with information that they may or may not be able to get from mainstream sources (newspapers, tv, library, etc.). They could include amateur journalists or subject area experts and these days fill a much need role to allow those of us who care about a balanced perspective on an issue. Then there are the rest of us who just want to use the blog as a means of expression or a way to stay connected with friends/family.

My reasons for having a blog are much the same as yours - a place to post what's happening in my life or what I am interested in at the moment so that friends/family can check in from time-to-time. I am under no illusions that anyone cares necessarily - that is not really my motivation. I have also found that the blog acts as sort of a time capsule or journal which would be interesting to reflect upon years later.

Anyways, hope you keep the blog up. I do check in regularly.
