Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Making It Up As I Go Along #269

— I work in CNI again today. They needed some extra bodies there to get work done and I was one of them. I nice change again.
— Nice day. Sun and low twenties. Hanging out in front of the building at last break with Laura and Megan made me want to just stay outside for the rest of the day.

— Not a bad day. I’m in QC all day, which isn’t ideal, but it goes fairly good anyway.

— It’s a mid week evening shift for me. Although it’s early starting with a meeting... so 1 to 9 instead of 3 to 11. A potluck is also in store tonight... so overall a nice night of work.

— More QC for me... I want AFIS or another trip to CNI tomorrow... several days of QC in a week are not my thing. Lunch is outside today, with Megan, Sheila and Laura. And lucky me, I get to hear the story of what women do to keep the hair off of their legs. Craziness!

— Day starts as a bit of a pain but improves as it goes. I leave at last break as Leslie and I decide an early start to the afternoon on a patio for a drink is better than hanging at work.

— Hockey, movies, supper at Dick’s Diner with Shannon all part of the day.

What to Do on Mother’s Day?
What to do on Mother’s Day?
It comes but once a year.
Should I fly home to mama.
She’s sick, so why go there?

Does it sound a little cruel?
To not want to aid the ill.
But she’s thousands of miles away from me.
For such a flight, just think of the bill.

It’s not that I don’t love my mom.
After all, she’s the only one I know.
Unless you count my sister.
When I was young, she acted so.

Family gatherings are out for me.
They’re all too far away.
Plus Air Canada would mess it up.
So in Ottawa I’ll stay.

Yes Air Canada, our great airline.
They’ll promise you their all.
Until you book to fly with them.
Then the search for service finds a wall.

I could likely get to St. John’s.
But probably two days late.
And just forget about my bags.
They’ll wind up in Kuwait.

So me in St. John’s long enough.
To check in for my flight back.
And my bags atop a camel.
Wandering the desert towards Iraq.

US Military will find my bags.
They’ll suspect a terrorist.
So blow it up, camel and all.
And my poor clothes I’ll surely miss.

So it’s best I stay alone right here.
No matter the condition mom is in.
Cause if I try to go there now.
The fallout story will make CNN.

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