Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Making It Up As I Go Along #357

— Busy day at work. Lots of computer troubles and plenty of work coming in. Oh well, we make it through. It’s too cold again. -20s is getting to be too much.

— Work is alright as far as day shift goes. It helps that I slept better than normal for days.
— Got a brunch treat today. Tom went to the caf and brought me back a baggle stacker. I mention this because when I got half way through, I drop what’s left on the floor. Brunch suddenly halted... a pause to mourn, then the day goes on.
— A few groceries on the way home from work.

— A quiet time around the house and then in to work. It warms up tonight... getting to about 6 degrees at one point.

— Long day. I sleep until 11:30... watch a little TV... back to bed at 2:30... up again at 3:30... ball game at 5:00 (we lose a close one). Then work until 5:45 AM Monday. Work goes alright but I’m quite tired by the end of shift... even more than normal.
— Showdown! Skunk vs. Brown. That is to say, when I left the gym at HQ, I’m greeted at the door by a skunk. It’s no more than six feet away from me when I go outside. It runs, I stop.
— Showdown! Skunk vs. Brown II. We seem to be deciding to go in the same direction, I take a different path (the snow is a foot or so deep so there are set paths around the complex) but the skunk looks to double back and turns at a junction, meeting me in a Western like showdown. At high noon, I whistle and skunky goes running again.

— Quiet day. Less than 5 hours sleep so I’m tired. Hang around the house, watch a little TV, nap a bit, and talk on the phone with mom and dad some.

— Laundry and some groceries. Really tired until about 1:30 today... then okay.
— Got a package from mom and dad. Some Florida clothes and Barack Obama inauguration mints!

— Another really tired day. Not sure if I’m fighting something off or what’s going on. But I find I’m fighting heavy eyes and nods every hour or so.
— Rainy night. The sound of the rain is actually nice. I’m glad to have some warm temperatures. I even had windows open for part of the day... getting some new air in the house. I only wish this meant the end of winter. A return to -20 will likely happen before it’s all said and done.

The Signs
A sign that democracy just doesn’t work...
Israel has a minority government to figure out with twelve political parties involved! I thought Canada had it rough with three “real” parties and those other two. But twelve!?! It hurts the head to think about it.

A sign that licences should be needed for parenthood...
That woman in California who just had octuplets. This to go with her six kids already under her roof. Fourteen children yet there is no father involved, she’s currently unemployed, and her plan is to go back to university? Studies show it’ll cost between $1.3 million and $2.7 million for these kids to reach the age of 17 and she’s planning to raise them on student loans?

A sign that twenty-four hour news stations should not exist...
Today’s top story on CBC Newsworld... we have one year to go before the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. The top story is a one year pre-anniversary? Not that we haven’t been bombarded enough with Olympic advertising and talk on the sports channels, now we need to have real news stations covering it a year before it starts?

A sign that 98% of sports reporters are idiots...
Now that Brett Favre has retired for good, each reporter that mentions it does so with a little smirk and a snide comment like “Is it going to stick this time?” Too much commentary from too many wannabe athletes.

A sign that life ain’t that bad...
When you’re eating an orange that’s all full of seeds and you start to get annoyed, and then an e-mail comes informing you of a child getting leukemia... that orange isn’t so bad after all.

A sign that cell phones cause tumours...
A week after getting one, I’ve had a headache for the last two days!

A sign that you’re sick of winter...
When you see the long range forecast and get excited over upcoming rainy days.

A sign that the above noted orange really did have a lot of seeds...
You step on one hours afterwards even though you thought you had already picked up the seed that fell on the floor.

A sign that Ontario is the most politically correct, vanilla, most uninventive province of Canada...
The holiday called Family Day.

A sign that magazine discount deals aren’t worth it, no matter how good they may look at the time...
Four years later, a single guy is still getting a copy of Chatelaine. (Thank goodness for Melissa!).

A sign that you may in fact be gay...
You’re a single guy, in your mid thirties, and you get Chatelaine delivered to your house! (Oh please make it stop!).

A sign that you’ll always be single...
You have the least amount of hair atop your head that you’ve ever had in your entire life... and it’s decreasing by the day... while TV commercials proclaim how important a good head of hair is on a man.

A sign that the world has gone Obama crazy...
One hundred days in after winning the election, CNN has a program called “The First 100 Days”. Also that, one hundred days in, he still gets talked about in the same breath as Abraham Lincoln.

A sign that we’re in real trouble from an environmental point of view...
There are soon to be two billion cars on the face of the earth. And they’re still making more!

A sign that those against alternative energy are absolutely hopeless...
They complain about windmill farms, claiming they are unsightly. Yet they support nuclear power? Have they not seen nuclear power plants? The only good looking nuclear plant is the one where Homer Simpson works... and that’s good looking because it’s a cartoon!

A sign that you have writer’s block...
You write a post about signs rather than some real story.

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