Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Making It Up As I Go Along #384

A bit short this week. Been busy times and I still have stuff that should be done prior to work tomorrow.

Shoe Tying vs. Breathing

I am not able to return to Newfoundland as a place to live. Some may say this is a fact of employment. Or perhaps an inability to withstand the weather. Crazy people... lack of options and opportunities... or, in the words of one somewhat delusional seat sharer on the plane, a lack of recycling.

No, the reason I can not return to Newfoundland on a permanent basis is based purely on food. In Newfoundland, I would become a 500 pound needing the removal of the living room wall in order to go for a waddle outside.

Whenever I go home, weight follows. A few Christmas’s ago, I was home for ten days. I gained nine pounds. And there have been two occasions in my life when I was unable to both breathe and tie shoe laces at the same time. Both of those occasions happened on visits home.

This trip was no different. Too much food that I’d have no opportunity to eat on a routine day in Ottawa. Gravy and peas pudding and dressing and toutins and salt meat... all awaited me around each corner.

And Uncle Bert’s house. Sweet mercy. Two suppers there resulted in six deserts. On both occasions a large meal was followed by my choice of blueberry pudding, lemon cheese cake, and lassy jam tart. All three would not be available to me in Ontario. So all three have to be eaten on those nights.

Yesterday, supper was at Wince’s. Turkey, roast and salt meat are all on the menu. Peas pudding and gravy find their way to my plate as well. And, because I’m a weak individual, I go back for seconds! The insanity is ended with a partridgeberry pudding. Two servings of that as well, complete with thick sauce on top.

Make no wonder that the people of Newfoundland are on the larger side of the scale. Periods of weather described as “not fit” coupled with food as mentioned above and you have a lethal combination of food and inactivity. It tastes glorious... but makes you seek out elastic waisted gym pants and hockey jersey sized shirts in order to make it through life clothed.

So I am back in Ontario and perhaps, here, I have a chance to keep myself below the 250 pound mark. Shwarmas and salads make for a more difficult path to obesity. For a Newfoundlander, Ontario can qualify all by itself... as a diet.

— Work is slightly annoying and fairly busy. I get home and watch Survivor... nice to have it back.
— Decide to not go in tomorrow... which means holidays starts tonight. Off for a week and hitting Newfoundland tomorrow night.

--- took the day off work. Slept about 8.5 hours (way more than normal).
--- go to Mazda for a new gear shift knob and then got a great shwarma for supper.
--- off to the airport after I eat and a direct flight home. Watch the latest Terminator movie on the plane. Average at best.
--- little lunch and chat with mom and dad before bed.

--- lunch with Morrissey. We also hit Fred's Records and walk around downtown. See Allan Doyle (of Great Big Sea) walking along there.
--- Ches's Fish n Chips with mom and dad for supper and then the Riggs's come for cards.

--- drive out to central. Visit Aunt Margaret and end off at Bert's for the night.

--- over to Fogo in the morning with Bert and Bet in tow. Running around all over. Going to south side of Joe Batt's and running around the town of Fogo some.

---Day on Fogo with mom and dad (we dropped Bert and Bet at the ferry last night).
---to Sandy Cove for a walk and Back Western Shore for lunch. Then a hike up Brimstone Head to peer out from one of the four corners of the Earth.
--- across on the ferry and supper and a night of cards at Bert's.

--- drive to town in the late morning/afternoon.
--- hang with Wayne for an hour or so after getting back.
--- supper at Wince's. One of those unable to breath due to fullness suppers. Cards end things and it's home to pack.

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