Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #462

My last Avalon summer. And by Avalon, I mean the suburb in which I live, not the peninsula on which I grew up.

One more summer and fall in my ‘Perfectly Planned Community’. That sign, proclaiming such a cult like statement greets you as you turn in off 10th Line.

One more summer where I’m walking distance from the pond I’ve watched grow up… from grass surrounded still water to trees and shrubs which encase a natural habitat… filled with frogs and ducks, muskrat and cranes… and, for a short period, a beaver… taking over the pond and laying waste to the Minto planted trees… so much for the perfectly planned community.

One more fall where the geese nestle in, taking over the pond’s waters on their way south… taking a break in the autumn sun… and quietly grouping in social circles upon the lapping waters… preparing to rest as the night begins to close.

I’ll have to come back to visit the pond. Parking the car on the street as an invader but quickly blending in with the locals once I reach the winding path.

Come December, I’ll be on the move. From Avalon to Trail’s Edge. From Terrace home to Townhouse. I’ll miss the Terrace home. Probably not as I have the row house in St. John’s. But good memories of comfort are here. A haven to tuck away from the outside world on a Friday evening… not to return to that world until Monday morning.

And I’ll miss having everything done for me. The Condo Corporation sending in grass cutters and window cleaners. Putting men on my roof if the tiles blow off. Planting and tending to flower beds out front. And clearing my parking lot of snow during the winter.

I’ll need a ladder. And a shovel. A lawn mower and a rake. I may need to start paying attention to those stupid cards left in my mailbox, offering weed and lawn care services. And I may need to co-ordinate with neighbours, asking them to look out to my lawn while I’m away… promising to do the same for theirs when they depart.

And things to look forward to await. I’ll no longer be tied to the condo rules. A real gas barbecue awaits next summer. Where I can lounge in my yard while the meat sizzles. That yard which I’ll likely have to fence as well… I forgot that one. Another coordinated effort with neighbours I do not yet know.

A new lake awaits. Surrounded by birch. I don’t yet know if it will be pathed for walkers. But even if not, a trek through the brush will be nice… all across the street. All viewed from my spare bedroom window… or where the study will be. Already I imagine standing at my window, looking across at the woods. Seeing a corner of the lake. Sometimes I see it in brilliant summer sun. Other times I see it on a rainy fall afternoon. And other times I see it as a wall of black… with blacker silhouettes of the trees… and a cold November night. Or with gentle snow creating such stillness over the land… all outside my doorstep.

I see deer occasionally stopping by… on the edge of the wood… looking over at my home as I look across at theirs.
Within the home a new space awaits. Stairs up to bed… but also down to recreation. A fireplace with real flames… a cool place to tuck away where it’s quiet as only basements can be. A choice for cleaning. Either a shower stall or a soaker tub. Baths will once again be available as luxury rather than times chinched into watered tubes. Leaving you barely able to sit, let alone lay down.

And a garage… a room for the car. Where I can park and leisurely bring in the groceries, even if the rain pours outside. A place for my bike… where it no longer needs to stand in my kitchen space… but can now be where it aught to be. Next to the car and outdoor tools.

Yes, one more summer and fall of what I’m used to. Then off to the new. The countdown is on… for the fourth place… I’ll call home.

--- Work is normal but after that is hard… to the bank to discuss finances and mortgages. It all goes well but I’m basically an idiot in this department and I’m exhausted in the thinking it through.
--- Windy and rainy today too. Gusted up to 95 km winds… strongest since I moved to Ottawa.

--- Tired today. Long and slow one at work and then I’m struggling to stay awake tonight. Finally cave in for bed at 1:45 AM. Hope that’s enough for the night shift tomorrow.

--- Physio, nap, work. Too nice for it too as it’s 18 and sun without a breeze.

--- Another wasted day as I nap and work when it’s 20 and sunny outside.

--- First day off… rain. Typical. Vote, get some cheques from the bank, and nap in the afternoon.
--- Conservative majority in the election is depressing. But nice to see the Bloc beaten down.

--- A bit lazy in the morning… raining… again. Physio in the afternoon… home for about ten minutes after that before going to Minto with my agent to finalize things with the townhouse. That takes a little more than an hour… home to call the folks… then to get groceries and a shwarma.
--- Hockey game tonight. Vancouver is very frustrating. Outshoot Nashville and end up winning in overtime… but almost going through the motions… passing blindly to where players assume others will be. Nashville seemed to want it more… they’re just not as talented… and on this day, Vancouver’s talent was barely enough.

--- Easy going day for the most part. Deal with getting a lawyer for the house stuff and some hockey and baseball on TV.

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