Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Making It Up As I Go Along #484

November 4
Sometimes hate is easier

When sleep is broken by power tooled men
Calling to each other between drills
Let alone not caring someone’s curtains are drawn
Rather they are oblivious to the fact
Ignoring the idea of others
Yelling, drilling and stomping away morning’s peace

When know it alls pound chest
Proclaiming their rightness
Ignoring those that know more
They waste your time
And suck away energy

When dumb kids comb the neighbourhood
Literally walking with pants around ankles
Feeling bold and rebellious
They ring the doorbells of the elderly
Running away giggling
While a poor woman stands at her door

When all this comes together
All within a twelve hour window of time
This is when hate rears its head
The easiest reaction to have
And the internal struggle begins
Because we’re always told how bad hate is
But on days like this
It feels so right.

--- Alone at work on a quiet dayshift.  Left over pizza accompanies me there.
--- Cold in the morning.  -5 in the car on the way in… I had to scrape the windshield.

--- Alone at work again.  Feeling a bit iffy.  Very tired.  Hope it’s not that flu that’s going about.
--- Catch up on Sunday TV once I’m home.  Quickly becoming the best TV day of the week.

--- Sick day.  Exhausted and throbbing head for much of the day.  Sleep a lot and that helps mostly… just any activity drains me at this point.
--- Expecting to be at work for Halloween, I bought nothing to give out.  Ignore the door… there’s only a knock or ring of the bell about six or seven times anyway.

--- Sick day number two.  I go to physio but cut out the exercises today.  Just too easily over heated.
--- Go to the inspection of my new place as well.  Really like the view out the spare room windows and like the way the place is shaping up.
--- Mom and dad booked tickets.  Here for almost a week in mid December… to help me move and get the new place up to snuff.
--- Also I’ve booked my tickets home.  For the first time, I will not be home for Christmas… but will be soon after.  Home on the 28th of December.  Back in Ottawa January 11th . 

--- Wake thinking I’m feeling better.  But a walk around the pond knocks me down pretty quickly.  One lap and I’m ready to lay down.
--- Take it easy the rest of the day and watch some TV in the evening.

--- Physio followed by groceries.  And get through it all without losing all energy.  I think I’m healthy again… flu on the way out.

--- And the sale of my house is not happening.  All thanks to a condo manager who doesn’t think dealing with other people is necessary… and a young guy getting led through life by a know it all father.  Even though the real estate agent that represents them, and the inspector they hired both say the house is fine for the purchase, ol’ Pop decides that what the inspector really means is that the entire roof on the building needs to be replaced.  Two weeks of my time wasted by idiots.

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