Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Making It Up As I Go Along #589

An unknown city in darkness
Accompanied by dreary rain
The train that left in sunshine
Brings us to both a new country
And new season.

The street glistens with wet streetlight
But the sidewalks
The sidewalks are entombed in the shadows
The world here all shades of black
We march on.

Wheeled baggage clatters
Bumping along unknown walks
Making us clumsy in our trek
Causing shadow people to stop and watch
Our alien sidewalk parade.

We peer an archway
An old column of steps
Sagged concrete from wear
The light from above silhouettes a figure
Drunkenly stomping towards

We avert our gaze
Return to the task at hand
Dragging bumbling bags
We quicken our pace
In hopes to avoid the shadows

Another is passed
Curled within the corner
Where bricks meet concrete
A great vent blasting heat into the night
We clamor through the shadow’s bedroom

Then light beckons us forward
Through windows we see civilized warmth
Chatting patrons holding golden cups
Gulping frothy brews
Before returning to laughing comradery.

Unsure if this is real or mirage
We push on ahead
Hope quickens our steps
Faith we’ve left no one behind
We’re too focused to turn and check.

And then we’re here
A deep breath allows us a headcount
Like swimming up from great depth
With lungs bursting for air
We break the surface

And via automatic door
We step from the night into sanctuary
With lounging chairs
Tailored smiles behind a counter
Granting us rooms with a few keyboard clicks.

Our journey at an end
Uncertainty survived
We part ways with weary words
To warm beds and a wifi blanket
Drifting off to dreams
Of Edinburgh.

--- Dayshift alone.  I’m alone now for a while.  Mona on vacation until September. 
--- Both days are much the same.  Not so busy that I can’t keep up but busy enough that there isn’t much break.

--- Pizza for Sarah and I at work.  Kept going pretty busy through the night as well.  Go steady until around 1:00 AM.

--- Deal with a bit of workplace silliness.  It always amazes me how rules are set up then expected, by some, to be ignored.  Anyway, sometimes it’s nice to just say no.

--- Pretty quiet day.  A walk and lay low.

--- Get some veggies at the little street side market.  Do a walk.  Laundry.  Some TV.


--- Another walk and some cleaning around the house. 

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