Scottish Highlands

Scottish Highlands

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Making It Up As I Go Along #590

Seven Thoughts (in no particular order)…

1.     I like to imagine hard packed, summer baked ground as in the early stages of creating fossils.  Bird tracks laid in mud are now nearly stone hard.  And, if people all vanish off the face of the earth tomorrow, the molds of our sneakers and boots would be all over the land.  Some new species could be selling fossils of a Nike impression in a couple million years. 

Such thoughts make me a living dinosaur.  And somewhere along my hikes and walks, I may have already left an eternal step.

2.     Construction pile-ons along roadsides are the outdoor equivalent of wet floor signs along building corridors.  As of late, both seem to be constantly left and abandoned.  Floors are deemed wet days after the washing.  And roads are bordered by pile ons weeks after the original work is done. 

It makes the world seem to be in a constant state of flux.  Inside, you expect to be stepping on water.  Outside road repairs never appear to finish.

3.     I am completely torn about the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge that has taken the world by storm.  I hear about the millions of dollars raised for ALS and figure that’s good.  And then I see all the water getting dumped over heads and hear about shortages of bags of ice in stores and can’t help think how wasteful we are.  I can only hope the dumping gets done upon backyard grasses and that we’re just giving the lawns a bit of water for a good cause.  But I keep thinking third world citizens who lack a basic drink of water would look at this and shake their heads.

Also, pouring a bag of ice into a bucket five seconds before dumping it over your head does not a bucket of ice water make.  It’s not instant freeze people.

4.     Watching a full season of the Toronto Blue Jays makes me wish for the days of hockey to return.  But then when I hear talk of the NHL expanding by four teams in the next couple of years… and one of those teams to be based in Las Vegas… I’m left thinking all sports are generally getting hard to watch. 

Maybe I should read more.

5.     The older I get, the more that Autumn becomes my favourite season.  I like the heat of summer but I’ve become some sort of bug delicacy… leaving me spending half the summer enduring the itch of insect love.  I like the beauty of a wintery landscape to snowshoe over but months of darkness and cold wear me down.  Spring still has a bit of winter’s grip in it. 

So that leaves Autumn.  The changing leaves.  The comfortable cool for sleeping.  Where a bowl of soup can just hit the spot and a pull over fleece makes the world feel right.

6.     The Trivago Man needs to be ignored.

That’s it.

7.     Anyone who actually says “Hashtag” while trying to make a point in an actual conversation (like “Hashtag, amazing!” or “Hashtag, busted!”) must have all social media rights taken away.  For the good of humanity.

How’d the poor old “pound button” lose out to “hashtag” anyway? It’s the same symbol.  Fight for your rights “pound”  Fight!

--- Day shifts alone.  First day is busy.  Little pause the entire twelve hours.  Second day is slower paced.  Work to be done but can at least stop for lunch and have a break or two through the day.

--- Nights alone.  I do all the DNA work first night.  Get it out of the way so my Saturday should be more easy going.  And it is.  A quiet second night to ease into the days off.

--- Walk and quiet time around the house.  Mow the lawn… domesticated type stuff.

--- To the Apple Store.  Drive downtown, park in the market, walk to Rideau Centre.  Nice day for the walking downtown. 
--- At the Apple Store my iPad works perfectly.  I’ve had trouble with the charging lately.  Having the iPad tell me that the cable it came with is a third party cable which may not work.  All we can hope is that blowing the bit of gunk that was in the port is enough.  At least they didn’t charge me for it.


--- Grocery run.  The good stuff with no actual grocery store.  The road side market for some fruit and vegetables.   Bearbrook Farm for some meats.  The drug store for some shaving supplies and milk.

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